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Top Other benefit issues

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benefit agents at airports???
Hi everyone, i came across some interesting news from one of my service users last week:- on his return from a few weeks abroad he was approached
jav08-Nov-06 02:23 PM
by DJ Evans
EMP Home visits
Does anyone know of, have copies of policy documents concerning decisions by Medical Services to allow /refuse request for EMP home visits? Clients a
ras07-Nov-06 06:58 AM
by ras
income support
Hello Ever thought so hard you start to question your knowledge? Well I want to wing this one out to you... I have a client that is an EU citize
Lou06-Nov-06 02:49 PM
by ros white
Funeral payment decision
Don't know if anyone can help. Clt has telephoned me to say she has been turned down for a Funeral payment for her Mother, as her Brother who also liv
dbcwru02-Nov-06 01:34 PM
by bensup
ASA Advicenow is carrying out research on the potential for ‘self-help’ or ‘how to’ information resources for clients dealing with welfare benefits pr
Theresa26-Oct-06 10:15 AM0522
Funeral payments shortfalls
We are finding that the current Funeral Payment will not cover even the most basic of funerals. If you shop around and plead abject poverty you can g
ASH24-Oct-06 09:10 AM
by stevehaz
Payments from homeless prevention team
A nearby local authority has a "homeless prevention team" that gets involved whenever someone approaches the LA for homeless assisstance. In some sit
SLloyd18-Oct-06 04:36 PM
by SLloyd
latest on the welfare reform bill ...
... as it continues its passage through parliament ..... http://www. publications.parliam ent.uk/pa/pabills/20 0506/welfare_reform. htm
shawn18-Oct-06 11:38 AM0418
intentional deprivation of capital
I have a client with serious mental health problems. She was discharged after spending nearly 2 years in a psychiatric hospital in July.The family hom
mary partridge13-Oct-06 04:32 PM
by nevip
Debt Recovery - o/p under appeal
Does any one know if the DWP are legally allowed to recover an overpayment while an appeal is pending, in a couple of recent cases the recovery has st
pc09-Oct-06 04:31 PM
by nevip
Jobcentre Plus service problems
There is strong evidence that JCP is failing to provide an adequate service to benefit claimants. I am writing a feature for Community Care magazine
Neil Bateman09-Oct-06 03:09 PM0396
ILPA/SSPLA response to SSAC consultation on advance claims for habitual residence
The Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) is currently considering government proposals for new regulations that would exclude persons arriving fr
ken09-Oct-06 11:34 AM
by ken
CMS..no problems
We have been quite sheltered in this part of the world as we seem to be one of the last areas to convert to JCP CMS etc. However the inevitable is no
SLloyd06-Oct-06 02:15 PM
by BrianSmith
DWP interpreting services
from latest NAWRA minutes - 'Lan guage Line has lost its contract to provide interpreting services to the DWP. A company called Big Wor
shawn06-Oct-06 01:10 PM0365
Refugee Council's multilingual website
Not strictly welfare benefit related but came across the following refugee council website that might be of interest to those who's client group inclu
ken04-Oct-06 11:27 AM0341
Grading of WROs under GLPC Scheme
Hi, The Local Authority(LA) I work for is currently in the middle of a single status review of workers pay & grading. They are using the Greater L
Euan_Henderson02-Oct-06 10:24 AM0532
Help, I'm in a Kafkaesque nightmare
Warning: this is just a bit of a rant really Client has had IS stopped with no warning. The reasons for it being stopped are not the nightmare, al
ali l28-Sep-06 01:13 PM
by northwiltshire
rent/mortgage difficulties once you've had cancer?
Have you been affected by cancer and struggling financially? Have you experienced problems paying mortgage or rent bills? Macmillan Cancer Support wou
kirstywa28-Sep-06 10:37 AM
by Jen_evans77
Supported housing schemes
Has anyone come across the situation where supported housing schemes are being set up as joint ownership arrangements, as opposed to rented? Are ther
Claire26-Sep-06 09:35 PM
by Claire
What do you think?
Can this really be happening? DWP, Rightsnet and Disability Alliance sing from same sheet 19.09.06 A report which the Department for Work an
G Lonergan22-Sep-06 04:23 PM
by nevip
Paying for social care
I realise this may be a bit "off subject" but I am grateful for any advice of you can give me. I have a client in a residential home. She is paying
Dan21-Sep-06 11:49 AM
by SimonMee
Applying for N.I. no'
Client applied for N.I. no' in order to pursue Tax Cr claim. Was given interview date and told they needed to provide three pieces of evidence to supp
chrisduran21-Sep-06 10:48 AM
by ken
Common law recovery
I have chatted with a couple of people and we don't think that the DWP can run this one: they are saying that my client stills owes an overpayment eve
tony benson19-Sep-06 10:53 AM
by Martin_Williams
Multiple Orgasms trap Benefit Cheat
For those unfortunate enough to miss this news story, read it while you can on the Times online : http://www.time sonline.co.uk/articl e/0,,2-2326139
Robbo15-Sep-06 02:24 PM
by nevip
Re: Code of Practice-can anyone help please?
Does anyone have a link to the Code of Practice on Obtaining Information under the Social Security Fraud Act 2001? I've found the Northern Ireland
jj13-Sep-06 01:22 PM
by jj
nawra meeting on friday ...
quick reminder re meeting in wrexham on friday ... details @ http://www.nawr a.org/nawra/docs_pdf /NAWRA%20meeting%20a genda%20-%208th%20Se pt%20-%20Wr
shawn06-Sep-06 03:24 PM0323
BME take-up
I'm looking for examples of good practice in this area. We are a small local authority welfare rights service and are looking to do a short-term take-
dbcwru04-Sep-06 11:32 AM
by dbcwru
Working with customer representatives
have just published new dwp guidance on 'Working with customer representatives' to the news area of rightsnet also @ http://www.dwp.gov.u k/adviser
shawn29-Aug-06 01:05 PM
by Toby_L
CT arrears and arrestment of bank account
Hello Can somebody direct me to guidelines/regulatio ns for the recovery of CT arrears from people on benefits. What I'm looking for is something t
ali l28-Aug-06 09:39 AM0333
Capital payments to third party
Hi all, I'm having another of those weeks when I'm posting a number of queries. If client's estranged partner pays shortfall of rent directly to la
suelees24-Aug-06 03:04 PM
by suelees