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Subject: "EMP Home visits" First topic | Last topic

welfare benefits case worker - ME, Lancaster CAB (home worker)
Member since
20th Dec 2005

EMP Home visits
Thu 02-Nov-06 07:56 AM

Does anyone know of, have copies of policy documents concerning decisions by Medical Services to allow /refuse request for EMP home visits?
Clients are having problems with this: have been told by Bootle MS that agarophobia is the only condition that requires a home visit. If you are house/bed bound with ME, get to the examination centre..... or else
Have asked Bootle for guidelines, policy docs, but nothing produced.
Before contact Leeds Complaints Team, would like to have something in writing.
Have looked at ATOS Origin "Guidance for EMP" - November 2004, but didnt guidance there.
All clients affected so far were for PCA examination.
Suggestions welcome



Replies to this topic
RE: EMP Home visits, Mick, 02nd Nov 2006, #1
RE: EMP Home visits, ras, 07th Nov 2006, #2


IB New Claims Team Leader, JCP Bradford BDC
Member since
28th Sep 2006

RE: EMP Home visits
Thu 02-Nov-06 08:53 PM

I'm not aware if ATOS do/do not have a policy on home visits.
However, when/if JCP send a form IB113 to the customers GP for the latest clinical info, the GP is asked on the form if the customer is fit to travel for an examination (if neccessary).
As the GP is best placed to offer an opinion, I would assume (I may be wrong), that ATOS would use this as the decider.
If a customer challenged ATOS when called for examination, no doubt ATOS would just say 'Your GP says you can travel'.
I have seen in the past, IB113's where the customer has had agarophobia, but the GP has said the customer can travel!
If a customer feels that they are unable to travel, I suggest that they discuss the matter with their GP - who may have already told ATOS that they can travel.




welfare benefits case worker - ME, Lancaster CAB (home worker)
Member since
20th Dec 2005

RE: EMP Home visits
Tue 07-Nov-06 06:58 AM

Thanks MIck
will make clear to clients the need to get information to GP re abilty to travel, part of ongoing campaign to make GP more aware of living life with incapacitating illness.
Am confident that in one case GP would have told ATOS that client not well enough to travel, if GP asked - because GP carries out telephone consultation with client, as they can't get to surgery. will investigate



Top Other benefit issues topic #2234First topic | Last topic