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Top Other benefit issues

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Clause 57 Welfare Reform Bill
Can anybody tell me the DWP's definition of 'personal care'? Does it have to be hands-on physical care, or would supervision and support for Mental He
glenclark21-Aug-06 09:17 AM
by jimmckenny
Pathways to Work pilots
Does any one out there has any experience of these as our authority has been invited to bid and I'm interested to know what has been going on elsewher
chrisduran03-Aug-06 10:01 AM0316
getting benefit decisions right first time
from the council on tribunals website - 'Bernard Pidcock, manager of Blyth Valley Citizens Advice Bureau, and Professor Hugh Brayne, a leg
shawn02-Aug-06 02:33 PM0413
Thanks rightsnet...
...for the new commissioner's decisions section. Where would we be without you??
Connolly02-Aug-06 08:11 AM0275
Decisions Please, Help!
Can anyone help me find the following decisions, I am struggling to find them and could do with them in a bit of a hurry! R(FC)3/98 CI/2107/2001
SLloyd01-Aug-06 09:09 AM
by SLloyd
Re: Jobcentreplus - i could get quite cwoss
a client i saw last week wanted me to make a complaint on her behalf - she claimed IS on 21/4/06 and her claim has still not been sent to the processi
jj26-Jul-06 11:41 AM
by mike shermer
Can it be anything other than a very strange coincidence that on the Monday following the recent "defective claim" decision, our local DWP Job Centre
robswad25-Jul-06 01:03 PM
by nevip
Re: Date on which a formerly defective claim is made
I must admit my heart sank when i read commissioner Jacob's decision and now the DMG memo... but was it _really_ a defective claim? i'm looking at
jj24-Jul-06 12:30 PM
by nevip
Channel 5 news request re CSA ...
We have been contacted by Angela Boon from Channel 5 news who says - 'Next week the government is expected to publish a report into the CSA. There
ken20-Jul-06 02:53 PM0422
Refugee Integration Loans
Can anyone tell me anything about these please how do you apply for them? how much can you get? how do you repay them etc?
chrisduran20-Jul-06 12:43 PM
by Mark Willis
Legislation data base
Shawn Remember when you said that the government aims (sometime this year) to have all acts and SI's on line. Any more news on this yet? Regard
nevip18-Jul-06 02:39 PM0274
learning support fund for student fees - do they affect income support?
I have a client who has received learning fund support for a postgrad training she is on - now DWP have been informed via review A2 form can this caus
edithb18-Jul-06 01:24 PM
by chrisduran
'Big rise in Sick Notes'
On the BBC health news page dated July 14th is a report on a survey carried out by Norwich Union. Apparently of the 250 GP's polled 1/3 said they sa
gerdarhondda18-Jul-06 09:31 AM
by ken
Social Security Consortium urges social fund reforms ....
The Work and Pensions Minister, James Plaskitt, recently addressed the Social Security Consortium (SSC) - a group of voluntary sector organisations, t
ken11-Jul-06 02:28 PM0335
powerful speakers
'Civil servants at the Department of Work and Pensions were told today they are to get all-new new computer gear as the much criticised organ bids to
shawn11-Jul-06 10:56 AM0350
Funeral payments reduced by deceaseds' assets
Hi, Tribunal upheld a decision to reduce a funeral payment by taking into account arrears of benefit. No dispute about the arrears of DLA, We're appea
ardunn04-Jul-06 03:00 PM0353
Tackling Child Poverty In London - What Works?
The London Child Poverty Commission is requesting evidence of good practice examples of projects and initiatives that tackle both the impact and cause
ken04-Jul-06 10:12 AM0304
Child poverty national forum 20 July
On 20 July the Child Poverty Accord National Forum will take place at HM Treasury in London. Speakers include - Rt. Hon Stephen Timms MP, Chief
ken04-Jul-06 10:05 AM0270
Sorry if this is a stupid question! Does anyone know if there is a standard form for someone to use to request being made an appointee? If so where ca
SLloyd03-Jul-06 02:59 PM
by SLloyd
Request from BskyB news ...
We've recieved the following information request Riccardo Boleto of BskyB news - 'I'm working on a story tomorrow for channel five news, and though
ken27-Jun-06 01:36 PM
by ken
Official Solicitor
I've not dealt with case before where client does not have mental capacity to instruct. Another team in our firm is dealing with a mortgage possession
suelees27-Jun-06 08:57 AM0349
Client with Humanitarian Protection and Child Trust Fund
Does anyone know if a client who has Humanitarian Protection can get this? I know they can get I.S., they already get Child Benefit, and I would have
chrisduran27-Jun-06 07:46 AM
by keith venables
computer case recording
I work in a Local Authority Welfare Rights Service and we are looking at the possiblity of obtaining a computerised case management system. There a
ks26-Jun-06 09:50 AM
by shawn
Closure of local DBC
Our local DBC in Newcastle is closing and we had a presentation about the transfer of the DLA work to Bootle (and Cardiff for some of the region). It'
rwils22-Jun-06 12:46 PM
by Tony Bowman
Joseph Rowntree Report
Haven't read the report but the headlines confirm what I have known all along. However, coincidentally, this news item cropped up on the BBC website t
Ian_Miller16-Jun-06 04:15 PM0375
debt centre bradford - overpayment recovery
I'd appreciate opinions on this please... Debt centre tried to recover an overpayment debt from client. We wrote twice saying we had disputed the d
Tony Bowman09-Jun-06 12:55 PM
by Neil Bateman
Wording Mandates
I've just had a call from Glasgow DBC saying that the mandate I have sent in is incorrectly worded and if I don't get a correctly worded one sent in s
ali l08-Jun-06 08:28 AM
by Neil Bateman
Rightsnet subscription update
We're pleased to advise those organisations who have access to the news and briefcase areas of rightsnet through a network subscription, that all the
shawn06-Jun-06 09:50 AM0271
disability living allowance
I have a client with Lyme's disease, like CFS/ME. I am looking for a CD to support his being able to walk sometimes more than a short distance, but t
freddie06-Jun-06 09:10 AM
by Margie
Heywood filestore
Has anyone got a telephone number for this place?
Damian06-Jun-06 09:09 AM
by Paul Treloar