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Top Other benefit issues topic #2009

Subject: "Wording Mandates" First topic | Last topic
ali l

Welfare Rights Officer, PHACE Scotland Glasgow
Member since
27th Oct 2004

Wording Mandates
Mon 05-Jun-06 12:09 PM

I've just had a call from Glasgow DBC saying that the mandate I have sent in is incorrectly worded and if I don't get a correctly worded one sent in soon, they'll disallow the appeal. (We've been using the same ones for about ten years, but that's by the by).

Does anyone have an example of a catchall mandate that they successfully use. We're not like a lot of WR services in that we have a fixed client group, and rather than getting them to sign a new mandate for each benefit problem, it would be good to have one that covers everything, if that's possible, especially as we don't always see our clients very often, (we deal with the whole of the West of Scotland).

Does any other DBC make you sign a seperate mandate for each different benefit, and each stage of the recon/appeal?



Replies to this topic
RE: Wording Mandates, ali l, 06th Jun 2006, #1
RE: Wording Mandates, Margie, 06th Jun 2006, #2
      RE: Wording Mandates, ali l, 06th Jun 2006, #3
      RE: Wording Mandates, jj, 06th Jun 2006, #4
           RE: Wording Mandates, ali l, 06th Jun 2006, #5
                RE: Wording Mandates, jj, 06th Jun 2006, #6
                     RE: Wording Mandates, ali l, 07th Jun 2006, #7
                          RE: Wording Mandates, andy p2, 07th Jun 2006, #8
                               RE: Wording Mandates, ali l, 07th Jun 2006, #9
                                    RE: Wording Mandates, andy p2, 07th Jun 2006, #10
                                         RE: Wording Mandates, mike shermer, 07th Jun 2006, #11
                                              RE: Wording Mandates, ali l, 07th Jun 2006, #12
                                                   RE: Wording Mandates, mike shermer, 07th Jun 2006, #13
                                                        RE: Wording Mandates, mike shermer, 08th Jun 2006, #14
                                                             RE: Wording Mandates, ali l, 08th Jun 2006, #15
RE: Wording Mandates, Neil Bateman, 08th Jun 2006, #16

ali l

Welfare Rights Officer, PHACE Scotland Glasgow
Member since
27th Oct 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Tue 06-Jun-06 09:36 AM

I've been thinking about this (it's got me a bit riled). Surely if I have a mandate signed recently by my client that says I am authorised to deal with all benefit issues, then the DWP have to accept this?

The DM I spoke to yesterday said that although all other details of the appeal were OK, the appeal had not been properly made, and would therefore be disallowed if I did not reply with the "correct" authority within one month of their decision not to award DLA.

Any body else got experience of this?




Senior Welfare Rights Officer, prescot & whiston community advice centre
Member since
13th Apr 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Tue 06-Jun-06 09:48 AM

We deal with 4 different offices.... 3 are ok with a general mandate, so long as the GL24 is signed by the cl and signed to authorise the Centre to be rep. The 4th is a pain in the neck inisisting on separate mandates for everything.



ali l

Welfare Rights Officer, PHACE Scotland Glasgow
Member since
27th Oct 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Tue 06-Jun-06 10:06 AM

Is there anything in the statutes as to what constitutes a mandate?




welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Tue 06-Jun-06 10:08 AM

on what basis do they say the appeal is not properly made????



ali l

Welfare Rights Officer, PHACE Scotland Glasgow
Member since
27th Oct 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Tue 06-Jun-06 10:36 AM

Because the mandate isn't acceptable to them, as it doesn't specifically mention the words "DLA" and "appeal".




welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Tue 06-Jun-06 11:51 AM

making of appeals is covered by reg 33 of D & A.
they're nit-picking about the wording of your mandate, which is tiresome, but disallowing your client's appeal would be unlawful afaics...

did your client nominate you on GL24 btw?



ali l

Welfare Rights Officer, PHACE Scotland Glasgow
Member since
27th Oct 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Wed 07-Jun-06 09:17 AM

No - we never bother using them before, but we have just taken delivery of a big box of them. Think I'll start using them as a matter of course.



andy p2

Welfare benefits case worker, Disability Wessex
Member since
17th Jan 2006

RE: Wording Mandates
Wed 07-Jun-06 10:33 AM

This is off on a little tangent, but we have one which we devised with i think her name was Tina from Sutton DBC i.e. a specific DLA authorisation (i say we, i mean my old stamping grounds and comrades at the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, but it's goes everywhere with me).

After all the rightsnet stuff about DBC Blackpool bulletin wotsit a few years ago and a subsequent updated bulletin which said the DM's should send copies of everything to reps. Anyway it quotes the relevant bits and bobs. If anyone thinks its of any use their welcome to it.

see ya andy



ali l

Welfare Rights Officer, PHACE Scotland Glasgow
Member since
27th Oct 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Wed 07-Jun-06 10:41 AM

Yes please Andy



andy p2

Welfare benefits case worker, Disability Wessex
Member since
17th Jan 2006

RE: Wording Mandates
Wed 07-Jun-06 11:26 AM

Hi Ali, give us your email and i'll email it to you.



mike shermer

Welfare Benefits Officer, Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, Kings l
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Wed 07-Jun-06 12:14 PM

Our Authorisation was changed some moons ago to include representation at Appeals, and this has since always been accepted at Wembley/Blackpool (and the Commissioner's office). Interestingly, they have also always accepted a letter of Appeal, signed by ourselves, in lieu of the GL24 as long as it's accompanied by an Authorisation.



ali l

Welfare Rights Officer, PHACE Scotland Glasgow
Member since
27th Oct 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Wed 07-Jun-06 12:43 PM

Which they always have done with us, until now...



mike shermer

Welfare Benefits Officer, Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, Kings l
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Wed 07-Jun-06 03:31 PM


Might be a case for asking for a copy of whatever Regs they think covers them..............



mike shermer

Welfare Benefits Officer, Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, Kings l
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Thu 08-Jun-06 06:54 AM

..............using the FOI if necessary...



ali l

Welfare Rights Officer, PHACE Scotland Glasgow
Member since
27th Oct 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Thu 08-Jun-06 08:24 AM

Cheers Mike

I'll maybe do something like that if I ever get anything in writing from them, which they have promised to do...



Neil Bateman

Welfare rights consultant, www.neilbateman.co.uk
Member since
24th Jan 2004

RE: Wording Mandates
Thu 08-Jun-06 08:28 AM

AFAIK there's no prescribed mandate though I understand that data protection principles mean that a mandate should not be vague. I have a standard mandate/consent form on my website (www.neilbateman.co.uk/tools_for_advice_work.htm)which DWP nationally agreed was acceptable (in fact they suggested some of the wording). Many hundreds of advisers have downloaded this form and I've not had any negative feedback about it being refused by DWP or LAs.



Top Other benefit issues topic #2009First topic | Last topic