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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

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CTB overpayment appeal and recovery
I wonder if someone can clarify the following point for me; A client has lodged an appeal against a CTB overpayment decision. Their Council tax bill
alison1w03-May-05 09:01 AM
by rachelr
housing benefit and incentive top up for rent
Hi I have a client (18years) whom has left care and is in supported housing. The rent for this accomodation is £115 he works full time and it was agr
kimbo27-Apr-05 02:21 PM
by stephenh
Treatment of earnings/income
I have a client whose employer overpaid her wages between Jan and March 2005. When they realised their mistake they recovered the wages from 3 consec
Danny Murphy26-Apr-05 11:54 AM
by Danny Murphy
Rent officer and Rent Assement Panel rent decisions
I have recently had problems with housing benefit assessment of assured private tenants where the rent assessment committee have registered a rent.
Haskc22-Apr-05 12:00 PM
by shawn
In adition to bakcdating HB for people coming from abroad
HI again! I wonder if LA is right to ask my client to prove,that he was really reside at the rented place,by providing some letters' he might've rece
Licichka21-Apr-05 02:41 PM
by stainsby
Referral to rent officer
Help! We have a client who had their rent referred to Rent Officer in August 04 - rent at that time was less than local reference rent so no determin
E Luke21-Apr-05 01:26 PM
by E Luke
Rent deposit for private tenancies
I'm looking for some advice, client, single man, lives alone , no disabilities and homeless. He may have found private let , but the landlord is askin
whitegates20-Apr-05 03:34 PM0314
I have a tenant who completed a Hb form in December with their advice worker, unfortunately the advice worker was then sick for two weeks so the Hb wa
s rogers19-Apr-05 04:12 PM
by chris orr
Prison sentences and Housing Benefit
I was asked yesterday whether a person who had been working and had not been entitled to HB previously , gets sentenced to 12 weeks in prison, loses j
Sam Warburton15-Apr-05 03:24 PM
by nevip
local housing allowance
I have a query about a young person who is a care leaver claiming HB in Brighton, where the new Local Housing Allowance applies. My understanding was
jrevest13-Apr-05 03:06 PM
by AndyRichards
HB Reg 72(15)
i have a client who was in temp. accom. between January and February 2004. The LA wanted proof of his income for this period which he was unable to pr
Haskc13-Apr-05 01:27 PM
by Haskc
Housing benefit
A customer has been refused HB on the grounds that he is in possession of capital in excess of £16K. He lives in sheltered accom. and receives SRP and
brooksie11-Apr-05 09:46 PM
by paulmmoorhouse
CTB - sole or main residence
We're waiting for a written decision following telephone contact from the CTB department - I thought I'd try to be prepared! We offer second tier a
Liz Wilson08-Apr-05 01:03 PM
by stainsby
start date of HB/CTB claims
In the budget etc, it was announced that regs would be changed to bring HB/CTB claim dates into line with other benefits - ie, first point of contac
mike shermer08-Apr-05 12:51 PM
by shawn
Non-Dependant Deductions
Can someone please help to clarify the position with regard to non-dependant charges from April? I know that if the non dep is in receipt of Pension
MargaretGarner08-Apr-05 10:52 AM
by AndyRichards
"on the mat"
I am sure I have read somewhere that claims that are received first thing on a Monday morning can be assessed as if the claim form was handed in on th
lloyd06-Apr-05 12:29 PM
by lloyd
Housing Benefit Overpayments
Our LA recovers from ongoing benefit where possible. Any overpayments recovered from us as landlord are offset on our payment run. In both cases they
MargaretGarner06-Apr-05 09:51 AM
by shawn
Asylum decision and HB entitlement
My client was refused asylum in Jan 01. The HB authority continued to pay him HB and CTB which has now been declared overpaid. In November 2002 my cli
Dan05-Apr-05 10:59 AM
by stainsby
New Housing Benefit for Beginners Guide Published
I've just published my new guide to Housing Benefit for Beginners (and a quick reference guide for everybody else)- If you are fed up with being the h
chrissmith04-Apr-05 10:24 AM0484
Assessed income figure
When an assessed income figure for pension is notified to the HB department by the DWP, is there any provision for the HB dept to modify this figure.
dallsop04-Apr-05 09:12 AM
by AndyRichards
tax credit overpayment
I have client on small amount of HB/ctb calculated on an award of wtc of approx £60 that it transpires should not have been paid for most of period be
drm30-Mar-05 11:20 AM0327
A bit of assistance is required here... I am currently assisting a claimant who holds an assured tenancy with an RSL and has notified the LA of a c
keysey225-Mar-05 06:20 AM
by keysey2
Housing benefit and council tax overpayment
I have a client who had a better off calculation made by the job centre cand verified by the local council. Client knew that his benefit would decrea
nigel bonser24-Mar-05 01:05 PM
by stainsby
sheltered schemes HB on two homes...?
......a client lives in an RSL property for number of years, recently went into a sheltered scheme for three weeks for assessment, but then went back
s rogers23-Mar-05 11:42 AM
by jimt
Temporary absence from home
I'm assisting a client whom mutually exchanged before getting written permission from her landlord. She was visited by the housing officer one week af
Portsmouth HAC23-Mar-05 09:40 AM
by Portsmouth HAC
HB and Rent Officer Referral, Registered Social Landlords, Scotland
My Association (sheltered housing)is reviewing its Rent Policy and I have been asked to update on where we are with Rent Officer referrals and RSLs in
bieldwro22-Mar-05 09:40 PM
by legalegle
I have a client who had a HB overpayment decision after her IS stopped and her benefit period brought to an end. Appealed against both decisions and a
Damian Walsh22-Mar-05 03:34 PM
by jj
government bill
Has any one heard of a bill that is going to be put to parliament during April, which allows people to be responsible for their own finances. ie, if c
Allan Boot21-Mar-05 03:52 PM
by shawn
Change of Address
I have come across a private rented HB case where the claimant moved address on Monday 7.3.05 to another private rented house where the rent was more.
nsinghgill21-Mar-05 02:45 PM
by stainsby
start dates.....
I have an elderly couple who took our tenancy on the 14.02.05 but as they were moving from East Sussex (they are both in their 80's and disabled) they
s rogers21-Mar-05 11:23 AM
by s rogers