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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

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HBOP Changing recovery from...
Hi all, Our association appealed against recovery of a HBOP from us on the grounds we were unaware of the change in circumstance that the claimant
bradw27-Jul-05 01:26 PM
by stainsby
training course required for challenging HB overpayments from landlord
can anyone direct me to a good training course for challenging O/P recovery from landlord. ive been on them to assist in appealing from the tenants pe
johnny27-Jul-05 11:08 AM
by Alan Markey
Rent Cards and HB overpayments
Hello We have a local District Judge that likes to give us a challenge once in a while. I've picked up a housing case (possession) that has been ad
hacportsmouth26-Jul-05 10:19 PM
by Martin_Williams
2nd Homes in Wales and 50% discount
Lady over 60yrs old has a property in Wales, which was originally two properties. Husband owned both properties, so knocked through the shared wal
coupa26-Jul-05 10:12 AM
by coupa
30/16 hour working disregard - non working partner disabled
I have a couple. Mrs works 20 hours and is fit and able. Mr is retired and gets AA. I know the income disregard will be £20 but do they also qualify f
JService26-Jul-05 09:57 AM
by johnny
Liberata refuse to send rep copy submission
Liberata as contractor to local authority are refusing to forward submission although we are clearly noted as reps on GL24 which is signed by claimant
Peter Turville21-Jul-05 01:02 PM
by bensup
Fleeing Domestic Violence
Hi - my first post to the forum, so bear with me.... We are currently housing a client who has alcohol problems and is also fleeing domestic violen
Lostdog20-Jul-05 01:52 PM
by Tony Bowman
Move within LA treated as change in circs
I know there has been discussion about this before, but I have come across an issue I have not encountered and would welcome any comments. Tenant a
JService19-Jul-05 08:31 PM
by Kevin D
Disability reduction for deaf people
Does anybody have any experience of obtaining a disability reduction on Council Tax when a home is adapted for use by profoundly deaf people e.g.diffe
Dparr18-Jul-05 02:16 PM
by Dparr
Increase in hours of work
I have a client who had an existing award of HB based on his earnings. His partner started p/t work but was paid 5 weeks in arrears. The HB award ha
Victor Ridding15-Jul-05 02:32 PM
by Leigh Andrews
Housing Benefit first 13 weeks rule.
My query is regarding the situation whereby a person who could afford the property when they moved in and then claimed HB because of job loss can clai
robertb14-Jul-05 05:21 PM
by stainsby
I have a client in receipt of HB which doesn't cover all her rent because the landlord has put the rent up. Applied for a DHP and was successful. Clie
pollyt14-Jul-05 11:35 AM
by shawn
Council Tax discount
Have a couple, one of which has no recourse to public funds. Does this make her 'invisible' in the household, ie. can her partner claim single occupa
pollyt13-Jul-05 01:16 PM
by AndyRichards
HB overpayment requests to a new RSL
we are a newly created RSL following LSVT of stock from Trafford Council in March 2005. since transfer, we are receiving "lots" of overpayment reques
rentsteam13-Jul-05 12:03 PM
by rentsteam
Payment in arrears
Can anyone tell me if there are any rules regarding the payment of four weekly housing benefit to Housing Associations please? I believe the current m
Slowly12-Jul-05 02:53 PM
by BobKirkpatrick
Local Housing Allowance stuff .......
of any interest to anyone ? .. loads of stats and figures re the local housing allowance, from hansard @ http://www.publi cations.parliament.u k
shawn12-Jul-05 08:19 AM
by bieldwro
immigration status and NiNo problems
we have a tenant from pakistan who has full status to remain, who moved into property 03 with his wife who hasnt yet been granted status. home office
johnny07-Jul-05 02:24 PM
by johnny
Lapsed claim for HB/CTB
I have a case where a claim for HCTB was 'lapsed' prior to the Tribunal of Comissioners case on 09/09/04 (CH/2155/2003), where it was held that there
Victor Ridding07-Jul-05 01:12 PM
by stainsby
Move within LA - effective date of change
To those who have been following recent posts about this issue, you may be interested to know that a colleague told me today about a reference she rea
Vanessa T06-Jul-05 12:52 PM0299
LA notified by dwp client stopped receiving IS (negative decision on immigration, granted leave 8 months later) but continued to pay; rejected argumen
gaxee06-Jul-05 09:08 AM
by stainsby
War Pensions disregard
Does anyone know if there is a handy list maintained anywhere of which local authorities disregard 100% of war pensions when calculating HB? I've foun
suewelsh04-Jul-05 05:54 PM0265
HB overpayment + Bankruptcy
Hi there I have a client who was declared bankrupt in Feb 2005. However Manchester Benenfits Unit have continued to deduct £8.55 a week from my te
skoiston04-Jul-05 02:35 PM
by skoiston
HB overpayment
I am currently assisting someone with an appeal against an HB overpayment. I think there is little chance of success but just wanted to check. C
Marwood04-Jul-05 02:33 PM
by Marwood
Class action on Housing and CT Benefit?
I am working with the Somali community in a London Borough. Many Somali tenants are in arrears and have been threatened with eviction, made agr
clivedurdle04-Jul-05 12:04 PM
by carol_laidlaw
Full time student?
Anyone able to help? Council Tax query.. Client full time student currently unable to study due to sickness. Has not abandonded course. Client has CT
196429-Jun-05 03:12 PM
by AndyRichards
Council Tax Benefit and Pension Credits
Dear All, Does anybody know of any Government plans to discipline Local Authorities who insist stating in their literature that Council Tax Benefit
lee forrest28-Jun-05 12:47 PM
by lee forrest
recovery of overpayment from landlord appeal
ive just entered a new postion and ive been given some forthcoming tribunals to argue aginst recovery of O/P from the housing association(i have exper
johnny28-Jun-05 11:18 AM
by derek_S
Payments on Account
My reading of the HB regs suggests that payments on account of housing benefit cannot be made where the landlord is a local authority. Surely this ca
Tony Bowman28-Jun-05 10:53 AM
by Tony Bowman
Any word of revised legislation?
HB Regs were to be revised re appeal rights, and overpayment recovery. So far I have seen nothing. Does anyone know what stage this is now at?
matherj23-Jun-05 10:31 AM
by ken
Backdating Housing and Council Tax Benefit's aged 60+
Can someone please confirm that for people aged 60 and over housing and council tax benefit are to be backdated 52 weeks (providing they are eligible
longs20-Jun-05 03:40 PM
by SimonMee