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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

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HB Appeal - liability created to take advantage of HB scheme
I have an upcoming appeal for a young lady who has been refused HB under reg. 7 (1) (l) - liability created to take advantage of HB scheme. This is
BGworker13-Sep-05 11:02 AM
by BGworker
Re:Does anyone think this is fishy?
Client received a notice from HB department - headed in red block capitals underlined. - 'FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ANY FURTHER
jj12-Sep-05 09:18 AM
by jj
CTB - education leavers under 20 (second adult disregard)
My client is a single parent but also has a son who’s just turned 19 who also lives in the property. He receives Incapacity Benefit in Youth and Low
jacqstewart12-Sep-05 09:02 AM
by Cordelia
Rent Received from property
In the Guide to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit 2005/06 (John Zebedee, Martin Ward and Sam Lister) it states 'if the claimant or any partner i
smithst08-Sep-05 09:05 AM
by smithst
does anyone know what the latest published figure is for take up of HB? (ie % claimed against potential entitlement?) thanks
glenys harriman06-Sep-05 12:21 PM
by shawn
Persons from abroad
Im hoping for a legal loophole here! Scenario - Individuals from european countries travelling to UK to access rehab and recovery services (not sta
keysey226-Aug-05 08:20 PM
by keysey2
backdating for refugee
Dear all. Help would be a gratefully appreciated. I've got a client who has been granted refugee status and awarded backdated IS,HB. IS- has been pa
Licichka26-Aug-05 03:14 PM
by stainsby
Claimed HB as joint owner
Client separated and she and her two deps moved in with her (farmer) mother as she had nowhere else to go. Overcrowded so client's mother bought a hou
suelees25-Aug-05 02:49 PM
by suelees
Daughter has bought a property which she wants to let to her Mother at a rent similar to that charged by the local Authority and HA's - not with th
mike shermer23-Aug-05 03:02 PM
by mike shermer
Council Tax and issue of CSVs living with someone SMI
There seems to be an issue with people who are Severely Mentally Impaired and previously lived in supported accommodation with 24hour care,who now liv
fair19-Aug-05 03:41 PM
by fair
Jointly owned property not lived in by claimant
I'm dealing with a client with long standing mental health problems. He has been separated from his wife for several years, was in hospital and reside
Rob_Price18-Aug-05 12:28 PM
by northwiltshire
Mobile home not on residentail site.
My client and his wife live in a chalet which they own on a site which is not deemed residential. They do not pay council tax and are in the proces
bensup18-Aug-05 07:10 AM
by bensup
How is income treated if on SSP?
This is probably an easy question to answer, and have looked into this without going into the actual 'acts' but im still uncertain. i have a clt who i
P.Spence17-Aug-05 02:07 PM
by P.Spence
HB verification and proof of residency
HB department allege they have tried to visit client 9 times to verify he lives there. Client is often out during the day or stays with partner. Clien
Kate11-Aug-05 03:00 PM
by mike shermer
Prooving income
My client is trying to proove what income she received during a period she was supported by her boyfriend. The support meant he paid the household bil
Dan10-Aug-05 04:14 PM
by shawn
Transfer of property and HB
Good morning all, I probably already know this and i'm answering my own questions, but I thought better to ask than sit and ponder. I have a cli
bradw10-Aug-05 01:16 PM
by bradw
HB and sale of property
Hi I have a client, a lone parent, who is unable to get HB. When she separated from her husband he agreed to keep up the mortgage payments on the p
michelle bowler09-Aug-05 02:11 PM
by michelle bowler
I know I asked this question some 12 months ago, but are there any HA WR advisers out there who would be happy to privately send me their Job desc
mike shermer09-Aug-05 07:32 AM
by mike shermer
Commissioners Decision Needed
Anybody out there got a copy of, or know where to get a copy of CSIS/100/1993 which outlines that a person could spend time at a number of different a
northwiltshire08-Aug-05 11:47 AM
by northwiltshire
Re: the Neville case - proposed amendment-rightsnet news item
admitting up front i'm not exactly on familiar terms with housing benefits regs 69 and 70, this news item has left me scratching my head. Isn't the
jj05-Aug-05 07:24 PM
by jj
Ombudsmen cases
.... have added a link to the Local Auth Ombudsmen digest of HB cases to the HB/guidance secton of [a href="http://www.rig htsnet.org.uk/cgi-bi n/publis
shawn05-Aug-05 01:59 PM0297
info on case needed
i wonder if anyone can signpost me to the case of (R v LB Brent ex parte Connery) which im advised relates to the issue of DWP subsidy for an O/
johnny05-Aug-05 01:33 PM
by johnny
HB problem
Hi Clt moved into property (on 11/4/05) as a single parent with 1 child and was claiming maternity pay, CTC, CB. She did have a previous claim for
cgrant05-Aug-05 07:45 AM
by mike shermer
Changes of circumstance
Has anyone thought about changes to benefits for those 60 plus which do not have to be notified to HB, but which could increase HB? We have come ac
Val04-Aug-05 02:42 PM
by ramsfan
Discounts on Council Tax
I have a case where there are 4 residents in a property. The property is owed by a couple who are both registered as carers. One is working full-tim
susanmoore02-Aug-05 03:30 PM
by A Brady
Children's savings above £3,000 in previous years
Can anyone help me on this one. I have a client who is working, is a single parent and is in receipt of CTC and WTC. Her two children have savings
Amos02-Aug-05 09:49 AM
by ken
When does the clock start ticking?
Scenario is - claimant already getting partial hb, awarded attendance allowance and therefore severe disability premium qualifying her for full hb. T
Alison Morgan29-Jul-05 01:41 PM
by Alison Morgan
HB overpayment clawbacks
Hi there Little query and overpayment clawbacks. At the bottom of the letters we receive from Manchester Benefits Unit, (when they decide to claw
skoiston29-Jul-05 08:16 AM
by BobKirkpatrick
Maternity leave & child care disregards
Hi I’ve got a lone parent service user with two children (2yr and 1wk) and she sends the 2yr old to nursery, and was receiving the child care costs
cgrant28-Jul-05 08:21 AM
by cgrant
recovery of HB o'pymt from landlord
Hi, We are a H.A and have a former tenant who has terminal cancer, is in a care home and only has 'pocket money' to live on.I sent details of his
Jeannette27-Jul-05 04:06 PM
by stainsby