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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1957

Subject: "2nd Homes in Wales and 50% discount" First topic | Last topic

Benefits Adviser, Eaga Partnership, Newcastle
Member since
22nd Jul 2005

2nd Homes in Wales and 50% discount
Mon 25-Jul-05 09:20 AM

Lady over 60yrs old has a property in Wales, which was originally two properties.

Husband owned both properties, so knocked through the shared wall to create an inner door between the two properties, making it effectively one property. Lady's mother-in-law used to reside in what use to be the smaller property while lady and husband lived in what used to be the larger property.

Both, husband and mother-in-law are now deceased and lady lives alone in the property.

The Pension Service seems to be willing to accept it as one property. However, even when the husband was alive, the council refused to accept or revaluate banding as one property.

As a Pension Guarantee Credit claimant the lady gets full CTB for the smaller property but is charged full Council tax charges for the larger property.

Client cannot afford to pay the council tax charges for the larger property on the income she has so she locks the joining door in the summer for 6 weeks while she rents what was originally the larger property out to holidaymakers and lives in what used to be the smaller property. She then moves back for the rest of year so the smaller part of the property is then empty. She uses the income generated from the 6-week rent to pay the council tax charges.

Since council deem them to be two separate properties do you think the lady will qualify for the 50% discount on the larger property? Will having the holidaymakers there for 6 weeks of the year or the fact that she moves back in to it for the rest of the year, disqualify her?

If anyone has had a similar case or knows what she can do I would really appreciate your advice and help.




Replies to this topic
RE: 2nd Homes in Wales and 50% discount, Gareth Morgan, 25th Jul 2005, #1
RE: 2nd Homes in Wales and 50% discount, coupa, 26th Jul 2005, #2

Gareth Morgan

Managing Director, Ferret Information Systems, Cardiff
Member since
20th Feb 2004

RE: 2nd Homes in Wales and 50% discount
Mon 25-Jul-05 08:05 PM

She will have had a recent rebanding and could now appeal against that. Has she appealed the decision not to treat it as one property?

From the description though it sounds like it is, and she treats it as, 2 properties.

Which part of Wales is it?




Benefits Adviser, Eaga Partnership, Newcastle
Member since
22nd Jul 2005

RE: 2nd Homes in Wales and 50% discount
Tue 26-Jul-05 10:12 AM

Thank you for your reply Gareth. I had a more indepth look at the council's website and looks like the 50% discount doesnt seem to apply to second properties anymore

I informed the client re banding but I dont think appealing against the banding is something the client wants to try again, I believe they tried that a while ago when it was first connected but they were rejected.

Thanks all the same.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1957First topic | Last topic