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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1572

Subject: "local housing allowance" First topic | Last topic

Personal Adviser, Pathways to Independence, Brighton
Member since
21st Jan 2005

local housing allowance
Wed 13-Apr-05 01:31 PM

I have a query about a young person who is a care leaver claiming HB in Brighton, where the new Local Housing Allowance applies. My understanding was that this meant that he would be given the full amount for his category (£130 here) and could keep the remainder after his rent had been paid. However, he has only been offered enough to cover his rent.

The matter is complicated bythe fact that he is living in supported accommodation where he is not on the tenancy (the accommodation provider is), and Social Services pay the provider for the rent and have asked to be reimbursed this from HB.

Anycomments? Should we be pushing for the full amount, and under what regulation? He is on a low income as he is studying, has no parents in this country and only gets his IS, so any extra income well needed.



Replies to this topic
RE: local housing allowance, AndyRichards, 13th Apr 2005, #1
RE: local housing allowance, jrevest, 13th Apr 2005, #2
      RE: local housing allowance, AndyRichards, 13th Apr 2005, #3


Senior Training Officer, Brighton and Hove City Council, Brighton
Member since
26th Jan 2004

RE: local housing allowance
Wed 13-Apr-05 01:44 PM

Are you sure this tenancy comes within the scope of LHA? If it is supported accommodation and the provider is an RSL, charity, LA or vol org then it probably doesn't.




Personal Adviser, Pathways to Independence, Brighton
Member since
21st Jan 2005

RE: local housing allowance
Wed 13-Apr-05 01:53 PM

N, i suppose that's the answer to my question. The tenancy is between a private landlord and a private organisation which provides supported accommodation for children and young people looked after by social services. Does LHA not apply to this type of tenancy?






Senior Training Officer, Brighton and Hove City Council, Brighton
Member since
26th Jan 2004

RE: local housing allowance
Wed 13-Apr-05 03:06 PM

I think you probably need to check with the HB section (my colleagues!) to establish how they are treating the claim, but I suspect that it is not being treated as within the scope of LHA.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1572First topic | Last topic