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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

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HB Payment Frequency
We have some hostels and are looking at charging on a daily basis rather than weekly. I know that where payment of hb is to the landlord it is paid fo
MargaretGarner26-Jan-05 09:04 AM
by jmembery
Benefit overlap
I have a client who has received a demand for one weeks rent on her current property relating to a period in August 2004 when she transferred from one
zoe25-Jan-05 04:57 PM
by GAD
Overpayment of housing benefit, 5 years on.
We have received an O/P decision in Dec. 04 for tnt failing to notify LA that JSA ceased sometime in 2000. The LA notified the tnt in 2000 about the
Moufassa25-Jan-05 03:07 PM
by Moufassa
Financial Support from Brother
I am trying to assist a client with claiming backdated Housing Benefit. For the relevant period, the client's Brother (who does not reside with the B
Thuy25-Jan-05 11:52 AM0335
recovery of HB
My client started work in December 2002/full time. She had two children in full time education and one who did not study or work. She applied for HB
Haskc24-Jan-05 12:20 PM
by Kevin D
take-up project to get non-dependants onto Pension Credit
I'd like to suggest a potentially valuable take-up project that could help working age people get more HB/CTB as a result of take-up work to get older
robbiespence21-Jan-05 04:06 PM0448
HB overpayment recovery
Appeal hearing due re recovery of HBO from landlord (RSL). The LA does advise in writing of benefit awards, overpayments etc. i.e. there is compliance
matherj21-Jan-05 10:47 AM
by jmembery
severe mental impairment
Has anyone seen any guidance or case-law to help with defining SMI a bit more clearly? Specifically our client has schizophrenia and depression but c
gpcab20-Jan-05 09:22 AM
by stainsby
Benefits uprating
My understanding is that the amount of benefits uprating for Retirement Pension each year is a matter of public record so there is no need to report i
andyplatts19-Jan-05 02:41 PM
by jmembery
New Housing Benefit guide out now
The 2005 edition of my guide "Housing Benefit for Housing Managers" is now available. Up to date as at 3/1/05, it is designed for voluntary and public
chrissmith18-Jan-05 10:00 AM0350
Ombudsman decision
In the Jan 05 Housing Benefit Direct Bulletin, reference has been made to a recent Local Gvt. Ombudsman's report relating to an LA recovering an over
Val17-Jan-05 09:33 AM
by chrissmith
HB/ Ctax
A tenant had to be moved under police witness protection, IS stopped and HB/Ctax was cancelled from the same date. The tenancy has been terminated wit
carolsharp14-Jan-05 02:55 PM
by carolsharp
Non-dependant Deductions & Remunerative Work
I have been advising in respect of a client whose non-dependant daughter aged 20 came off income-based JSA (in June 2004) although she works less than
Ros_Thomas13-Jan-05 11:12 AM
by Ros_Thomas
Adult Placements
Has anyone done any work around adult placements? There would seem to be two issues to settle... 1) whether the HB can be paid for the particular
Steve13-Jan-05 08:22 AM
by Steve
discretionary housing payment judicial review
I have a client who desperastely needs a discretionary housing payment after fleeing domestic violence can anyone suggest an organisation possibly to
hannahyoung10-Jan-05 11:18 AM
by Emmab
hospital and intention to return
A lady went into hospital temporarily and during her stay it was decided that she would not be able to return home as she would need to move into supp
Damian Walsh10-Jan-05 10:15 AM
by Damian Walsh
claiming HB when renting a room from a former spouse...
i have a client who has been renting a room in a house that is owned and occupied by her ex-husband,but which is the former marital home.she moved in
Sayo06-Jan-05 12:48 PM0378
Regulation 7
Does anybody know of any case law/commissioners decisions in relation to reg. 7 specifically relating to the issue of whether or not a tenancy has bee
keysey205-Jan-05 11:26 AM
by shawn
Commissioners Decision regarding rent free periods
I have heard that a Commissioners Decision (either heard or reported on the 26th November) has stated that Telford have been applying the law wrong in
ss004405-Jan-05 10:38 AM
by shawn
Married Asylum Seeker and CT Single Person Discount
Hi, I have come across a situation where an asylum seeker (no decision on application) is married to a British Citizen, and they currently reside in
Musa30304-Jan-05 03:38 PM
by AndyRichards
Applicable amount for IS/CTB
Why is it that for IS purposes the applicable amount includes the mortgage interest cost (subject to the 39 weeks rule) but for CTB purposes the mortg
Mouster24-Dec-04 08:30 AM
by Shona
Council Tax Single Adult Discount
I don't have the CPAG Council Tax Handbook so need info on retrospective awards of the 25% discount ? Our LA tell me their policy is to now restrict i
suelees23-Dec-04 01:26 PM
by suelees
HB Fraud Circulars
Does anyone have a copy or know where I could get a copy of Hb circular F4/98? I understand it contains guidance on recovery of financial admin penal
Alison Morgan23-Dec-04 01:24 PM
by shawn
Council Tax - Carer's Disregard & S.M.I
Got a client in receipt of I/B, I/S D.L.A High Care, Low Mob living with a friend working full time, yet caring for my client 35 hrs + pw. My client
lj21-Dec-04 11:22 PM
by Leigh
Can someone point me in the right direction for the Regs that state that a LA should make a HB payment within 14 days of receiving enough informatio
mike shermer19-Dec-04 11:28 AM
by Kevin D
25% reduction for student
Hi. Can anyone help with this? I have clients, both retired. He is studying for a masters degree through the Open University. He has to study for betw
zoe18-Dec-04 04:13 PM
by Mouster
SDP-Live in carers
Does anyone know if a claimant who lives alone, but has 24 care from a number of carers on a shift basis, is classed as living alone for Severe Disabl
psmith15-Dec-04 10:42 AM
by chris orr
Can anybody point me in the right direction for this. client in London assessed as homeless by one london borough and provided with accommodation
davidp10-Dec-04 11:36 AM
by davidp
HB and CTB Overpayment Commisioners case - client won
Just thought i'd drop a line re my previous post concerning HB and CTB overpayment due to official error. The commisioner decided in clients favour.
Ianw10-Dec-04 11:14 AM
by stainsby
Payments "by way of housing benefit" - Contractors
We have just been granted leave to appeal in a HB overpayment case. The issue is as follows: 1. Prior to 6/4/03, when contractors were not permi
Martin_Williams10-Dec-04 11:12 AM
by Martin_Williams