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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1047

Subject: "Married Asylum Seeker and CT Single Person Discount" First topic | Last topic

Tenancy Support Officer, Kirklees Council, Huddersfield
Member since
31st Dec 2004

Married Asylum Seeker and CT Single Person Discount
Fri 31-Dec-04 08:58 PM

Hi, I have come across a situation where an asylum seeker (no decision on application) is married to a British Citizen, and they currently reside in a mortgaged property.

The asylum seeker receives no NASS support (neither accommodation or income) and has no recourse to public funds. Would the British Citizen qualify for any single person discount / second adult rebate / anything else ... or would full council tax be liable for the couple?



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Senior Training Officer, Brighton and Hove City Council, Brighton
Member since
26th Jan 2004

RE: Married Asylum Seeker and CT Single Person Discount
Tue 04-Jan-05 03:38 PM

I will try to answer this but others may have other points to add. There is no entitlement to a discount because there are two occupiers, unless one or other person falls within a category which means they can be "disregarded" for the purposes of assessing the discount (such as a F/T student or severely mentally impaired, for example).

There cannot be second adult rebate because a person's partner cannot be a "second adult" in this context.

However I think the British citizen ought to be able to claim Council Tax Benefit in respect of the couple, although whether that is successful will obviously depend on their financial circumstances.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1047First topic | Last topic