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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1064

Subject: "discretionary housing payment judicial review" First topic | Last topic

LSC caseworker - benefits, CAB shoreham and Southwick
Member since
07th Jan 2005

discretionary housing payment judicial review
Fri 07-Jan-05 01:26 PM

I have a client who desperastely needs a discretionary housing payment after fleeing domestic violence can anyone suggest an organisation possibly to handle this? I have tried 2 firms of solicitors but thye class it as a beneftis issue, which I suppose it is butwer need someone who can handle JUDICIAL REVIEW



Replies to this topic
RE: discretionary housing payment judicial review, suelees, 10th Jan 2005, #1
RE: discretionary housing payment judicial review, Emmab, 10th Jan 2005, #2


Welfare and Debt Advisor, Stephensons Solicitors, Wigan
Member since
28th Jan 2004

RE: discretionary housing payment judicial review
Mon 10-Jan-05 08:17 AM

Why would they need a DHP at this stage - is it to top up HB on a new property after fleeing domestic violence ? The two firms you spoke to are correct as it is considered a benefits issue and anyone who deals with benefits can help. Why would it be an applic for jr ??




Caseworker, North Kensington Law Centre - London
Member since
26th Jan 2004

RE: discretionary housing payment judicial review
Mon 10-Jan-05 11:18 AM

If you look on the Justask (or whatever its called now) website, part of the LSC website, you can find solicitors in your area with a WB contract. If none in your area, you can try to refer to one further afield. They can then talk to a barrister and see if it is a runner.

Solicitors can handle JR's, but they can only get LSC payment to do so if they have a WB contract. Unless your client wants to pay for the work privatly, you need to find someone with a WB contract.

Assume you have a contract yourself (note you are an LSC caesworker), are you sure you cannot access a barrister directly?

That is assuming, as Sue has raised, that it is a discretionary top up that you are after. She can cliam HB on two homes for a limited period if she is fleeing violence (assuming she wants to claim for both, if not, she can just claim for the place she has fled to). If they have refused such a claim it would be appealable, but you might wish to try and JR it if it is v urgent.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1064First topic | Last topic