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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1092

Subject: "HB/ Ctax" First topic | Last topic

Benefits Liaison Officer, Boston Mayflower The Exchange Building, Market Pl
Member since
13th Jan 2005

HB/ Ctax
Thu 13-Jan-05 01:07 PM

A tenant had to be moved under police witness protection, IS stopped and HB/Ctax was cancelled from the same date. The tenancy has been terminated with help from the police but HB has an overpayment they are looking to recover from the rent account. Do's anyone have experience of a similar situation? HB has said they will not be able to pay, as the tenant had no intention to return. The local CAB is acting for the tenant, as no direct contact is possible with the tenant.
Is anyone aware of any special rules that could cover this sort of thing?
All suggestions will be gratefully received.



Replies to this topic
RE: HB/ Ctax, bensup, 13th Jan 2005, #1
RE: HB/ Ctax, carolsharp, 14th Jan 2005, #2


Benefits Supervisor, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
24th May 2004

RE: HB/ Ctax
Thu 13-Jan-05 02:10 PM

Local Authorities have discretion to not recover any overpayment if they so wish.

Our LA is very good at this if the reason is sound, as i feel your client's is.

Ask the LA to exercise their discretion not to recover the O/P.




Benefits Liaison Officer, Boston Mayflower The Exchange Building, Market Pl
Member since
13th Jan 2005

RE: HB/ Ctax
Fri 14-Jan-05 02:55 PM

Thank you for your reply, I have requested they use discretion verbally but will put it in writing to the head of department.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1092First topic | Last topic