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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #977

Subject: "Payments "by way of housing benefit" - Contractors" First topic | Last topic

Appeals Representative, London Advice Services Alliance- london
Member since
21st Jan 2004

Payments "by way of housing benefit" - Contractors
Thu 09-Dec-04 10:05 AM

We have just been granted leave to appeal in a HB overpayment case.

The issue is as follows:

1. Prior to 6/4/03, when contractors were not permitted to make decisions, a contractor (ITNet, Capita etc) makes the decision to award HB and this is not ratified by a LA officer.

2. It is later determined that this award of "housing benefit" was an overpayment.

3. Is it correct to say that because housing benefit was never lawfully awarded then the payments are not "by way of housing benefit" and therefore cannot be "overpayments" within the meaning of Reg 98.

Any thoughts much appreciated.

If this works then LAs who contracted out HB processing will have to prove for every overpayment where the awarding decision was prior to 6/4/03, that those awards were properly made by an LA officer and not by a contractor- which in my experience will be difficult for them to do.



Replies to this topic
RE: Payments, chrissmith, 10th Dec 2004, #1
RE: Payments, Martin_Williams, 10th Dec 2004, #2


HB Help - Housing Benefit Consultancy, Lewes
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: Payments
Fri 10-Dec-04 10:57 AM

I've got a feeling that if payments are just money, as opposed to benefit, then there is a general power to recover under civil or common law. So if your bank pays puts £1 million in your account by mistake they are able to recover it. If a payment is benefit, however the council are limited to the recovery rules in benefit law. I have a feeling that the DWP have argued that payments for a period after a death are not benefit and so are recoverable without recourse to the IS or DLA recovery rules.




Appeals Representative, London Advice Services Alliance- london
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Payments
Fri 10-Dec-04 11:12 AM

I think that the bank would not always be able to recover the £1 million from your account that they had put in by mistake: if you go away thinking that it is your money and spend it in good faith then you can argue that the principle of estoppel should prevent recovery (don't ask me to explain anymore about this- about all I know is that it is an equity based argument that funnily enough is quite similar to the principles in Reg 99(2)).

In any event, if we can prevent recovery under the HB scheme then we are happy to take our chances with other forms of recovery (and keep our fingers crossed that the LA will not use them)



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #977First topic | Last topic