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Subject: "take-up project to get non-dependants onto Pension Credit" First topic | Last topic

benefits adviser, Essex County Council benefits team
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

take-up project to get non-dependants onto Pension Credit
Fri 21-Jan-05 04:06 PM

I'd like to suggest a potentially valuable take-up project that could help working age people get more HB/CTB as a result of take-up work to get older people on to Pension Credit. As the extract below from HB/CTB Circular A32/2004, October 2004, explains, from April 2005, a non-dependant deduction will not be taken from HB/CTB if the non-dependant is receiving Pension Credit, irrespective of whether the non-dependant is receiving guarantee credit only, savings credit only or both.
If HB/CTB depts can provide data that shows claimants who have a non-dependant who is not on Pension Credit, Welfare Rights Services can try to help the non-dependant get Pension Credit, which will in many cases automatically increase the tenant's weekly HB by £7.40 and CTB by £2.40!
Welfare Rights Officer, Colchester
HB/CTB Circular A32/2004
4 Under the current rules for HB, CTB, Income Support (IS), income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA(IB)) and Pension Credit, a deduction from housing costs is usually made for any non-dependants living in the household of a tenant or owner occupier. Deductions vary depending on the age and circumstances of the non-dependant.
5 From 4 April 2005, a non-dependant deduction will not be taken from any of the above benefits if the non-dependant is receiving Pension Credit, irrespective of whether the non-dependant is receiving guarantee credit only, savings credit only or both. For HB and CTB, the amendments are made by regulations 2(4), 2(14), 3(5) and 3(14).
6 Regulation 2(14) contains the provision that a non-dependant deduction shall not be made from HB when the non-dependant is receiving Pension Credit. Regulation 2(4) removes amendments to SI 2003/325 made by the Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (State Pension Credit and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/2275) in consequence of the amendment made by regulation 2(14), because they are no longer relevant. Regulations 3(5) and 3(14) contain the equivalent CTB provisions.
Source: www.dwp.gov.uk/hbctb/circulars/2004/a32-2004.pdfregards,


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