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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1470

Subject: "start dates....." First topic | Last topic
s rogers

Tenant Support Officer, Herefordshire Housing
Member since
27th Jan 2005

start dates.....
Mon 21-Mar-05 09:14 AM

I have an elderly couple who took our tenancy on the 14.02.05 but as they were moving from East Sussex (they are both in their 80's and disabled) they didn;t actually move into the new property until the 05.03.05 as they had to wait for thie family to halp them move.

I've been looking in the 04-05 Zebedee, ward and Lister book for anyhting that would help us get the rent paid from the tenancy start date but so far coming up blank, any help would be appreciated....

I know I should already know the answer to this but I'm having a mind blank..!!!



Replies to this topic
RE: start dates....., fib, 21st Mar 2005, #1
RE: start dates....., s rogers, 21st Mar 2005, #2
      RE: start dates....., 1964, 21st Mar 2005, #3
           RE: start dates....., s rogers, 21st Mar 2005, #4


Welfare Rights Manager, New Progress Housing Association, Leyland
Member since
20th Jul 2004

RE: start dates.....
Mon 21-Mar-05 10:12 AM

The following are reasonable causes for requesting HB from start date when tenant delayed moving in.

· The move has been delayed pending the outcome of a social fund application, they are not liable for rent elsewhere AND
Claimant or partner is disabled OR they have a child under 6 OR they have a disabled child

· Claimant or partner is aged 60 or over and move has been delayed pending the outcome of a social fund application

· The delay is necessary to make adaptations related to disability needs of household.

· Claimant became liable for the rent whilst an in-patient OR in residential accommodation



s rogers

Tenant Support Officer, Herefordshire Housing
Member since
27th Jan 2005

RE: start dates.....
Mon 21-Mar-05 10:27 AM

thanks for the above, I had already found those answers but nothing really helping me with my queries (in a positive light anyway!)




Deputy Manager, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
15th Apr 2004

RE: start dates.....
Mon 21-Mar-05 11:13 AM

Might be worth applying for DHP. Am awaiting response to DHP application for someone in similar circumstances. Initially refused- have asked for review. DHP stuff only stipulates that applicant must be in recepit of HB/CTB- not that the claim must relate to the address DHP relates to. There was a thread on this subject a little while back- that's where I got the idea from!



s rogers

Tenant Support Officer, Herefordshire Housing
Member since
27th Jan 2005

RE: start dates.....
Mon 21-Mar-05 11:23 AM

thanks for that - it's definately a possibility...! If the review is successful can you let us know? It might be useful if mine is turned down...!

thanks again



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1470First topic | Last topic