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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1468

Subject: "government bill" First topic | Last topic
Allan Boot

Senior Money Advice Worker, Walsall Money Advice Project, Walsall
Member since
29th Jan 2005

government bill
Mon 21-Mar-05 07:47 AM

Has any one heard of a bill that is going to be put to parliament during April, which allows people to be responsible for their own finances. ie, if clients get HB, it will be paid to them to pass on to their landlord. Any ideas?



Replies to this topic
RE: government bill, shawn, 21st Mar 2005, #1
RE: government bill, AndyRichards, 21st Mar 2005, #2
RE: government bill, Allan Boot, 21st Mar 2005, #3
RE: government bill, shawn, 21st Mar 2005, #4
      RE: government bill, HBSpecialists, 21st Mar 2005, #5
           RE: government bill, shawn, 21st Mar 2005, #6


Charter member

RE: government bill
Mon 21-Mar-05 08:52 AM

the full list of bills before parliament can be found @





Senior Training Officer, Brighton and Hove City Council, Brighton
Member since
26th Jan 2004

RE: government bill
Mon 21-Mar-05 10:17 AM

Are you thinking of the national roll-out of Local Housing Allowance? This is currently being piloted in selected areas, and in the main HB is paid to tenants rather than landlords, unless an inability to manage one's affairs can be established.

In fact tenants don't get the option of having HB paid to landlords.



Allan Boot

Senior Money Advice Worker, Walsall Money Advice Project, Walsall
Member since
29th Jan 2005

RE: government bill
Mon 21-Mar-05 12:18 PM

Thanks to you both.

I have previously searched the parliament web site but to no avail.
Any idea on the actual bill?




Charter member

RE: government bill
Mon 21-Mar-05 12:23 PM

Mon 21-Mar-05 12:23 PM by shawn

hi alan -

you'll find load of regs and guidance in relation to the Local Housing Allowance in the news area of rightsnet ...

... see these search results for example.




Independent Housing Benefit Trainer/Appeals & Pres, HBSpecialists London
Member since
23rd Apr 2004

RE: government bill
Mon 21-Mar-05 02:49 PM

There are going to be sweeping changes to the Mental Health Act, and people who would not come with the provisions of that Act, might well be affected by two new government bills... and they will have some impact on the method of payment, and who has the right to receive those payments… If the two bills are passed as they stand, there is potential for conflict between these two acts, and it is interesting to note that only one bill appears on the bills site posted above, (though I think the Mental Health Bill is still in very draft stage?)....

The potential Acts are, "The Mental Health Bill" and the "Mental Capacity Bill"... Of these, the one that impacts most on rights to benefit claimants is the Mental Capacity Bill... which widens and expands upon the definition those who are able to look after their own affairs, and those who can not, or are to be treated as such…

However, the DCA have already published some draft guidance on that bill, and is does make some tiny reference to social security payments... Though you might want to Google search to find any other publications, but any you do find will probably be responses to the Bill, and if there is an election in May, it is my understanding that this bill will be ‘lost’, for lack of Parliamentary time, so I am unsure how much effort has been put into amending it… You can find the draft guidance at:


There have also been articles in the Guardian about these two bills over recent months, so perhaps thats where the original poster saw them?




Charter member

RE: government bill
Mon 21-Mar-05 03:52 PM

Mon 21-Mar-05 03:52 PM by shawn

we've done a couple of news stories on the mental capacity bill

DWP appointeeships not covered by the Mental Capacity Bill (August 2004) ... & ... Benefit appointeeship arrangements to be reviewed (November 2004)



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1468First topic | Last topic