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Top Disability related benefits

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Hi, I have a client with recently diagnosed asbergers (21) she has difficulty monitoring her intake of food at mealtimes which in the past has result
GillcTaylor09-Nov-05 10:17 PM
by stevegale
CD required re DLA and effects of aids/adaptations
Same old story - severely disabled client now got all manner of aids and adaptations from Social Services which means DLA unit saying she can now cope
suelees09-Nov-05 11:46 AM0335
lighthearted cynicism
Hi folks, How about some humour to lighten up this dreary Monday afternoon? Lookin g at the news item regarding ATOS origin, I see that they are
Tony Bowman09-Nov-05 07:46 AM
by Margie
Disability Living Allowance
Hi All, Have any advisers dealt with Disability Living Allowance claims for people who suffer from M.E. or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or both? If so
StHelensKarl08-Nov-05 09:49 AM
by GillcTaylor
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
I have a client who suffers PTSD but the snag is he worked as an Officer in the Royal Navy, question is can he claim Industrial Injuries instead of Wa
kharris04-Nov-05 10:57 AM
by andy_platts
SDP, DLA and discharge from hospital
Claimant is discharged from hospital on a Friday (say the 4/11) after a stay exceeding 28 days. DCS say that payment of DLA begins from following p
suewelsh04-Nov-05 10:49 AM
by suewelsh
Disability Benefits
I have a client who works for the EU commission abroad. He pays UK tax and NI and is payed by the UK. He is a british national. His son has learning d
Kayley DRN03-Nov-05 03:11 PM
by keith venables
mental health, alcohol and variations in ability
I have just attended a DLA tribunal where the appeal was disallowed because, at the time of the original application my client was self medicating wit
ali l03-Nov-05 11:13 AM
by Margie
DLA Pilot Areas - Another new form!!
Just ordered more of the new DLA forms from Blackpool. They will only let us have 15 copies because they are changing the forms again!! Can't wait t
Margie02-Nov-05 01:56 PM
by bensup
'landmark' war pensions decision
from bbc @ http://news.bbc.co.u k/1/hi/england/beds/ bucks/herts/4394436. stm 'An ex-soldier has won a 'landmark decision' to be awarded a d
shawn01-Nov-05 03:39 PM
by Neil Bateman
Age 65+ and low rate mobility component
Can someone help me interpret DLA regs Schedule 1 paras 5 and 6? My client was 65 on 4 November 2004. She had an award of LRMC with an end date 8 J
Peter Newton31-Oct-05 02:29 PM
by JonL
Attendance Allowance/DLA Care when entering a Care Home
Can anyone confirm that when a client with AA/DLA Care enters a Care Home funded by a local authority the AA/DLA Care ends after 28 days? This was
DMCC31-Oct-05 10:43 AM
DLA Appeal
I have an appeal shortly for a client suffering from ME. I was wondering if it would be appropriate to ask the 'medically qualified' member their opin
JohnOrr28-Oct-05 12:01 PM
by JohnOrr
House of Lords decision
Can someone help me please? I am trying to search for something I read some time ago.. it was regarding a person in receipt of high care & high mob a
CAS28-Oct-05 11:11 AM
by Tony Bowman
dla appeals and effect of ongoing awards
I have a client that I have been helping out with an appeal from nov 04. For one reason and another the clients appeal has been postponed up to 3 time
mairead27-Oct-05 08:50 AM
by sara lewis
DLA Speech Impairment
I'm looking for some advice that may be able to assist me in representing my client who has a significant speech issue. He is a young man living on hi
stevehaz25-Oct-05 02:20 PM
by RNID Casework
Can someone quickly refresh my memory - save me delving through the archives - can the Tribunal look at a matter which is not the subject of the A
mike shermer25-Oct-05 01:50 PM
by Paul Sweeting
Learning difficulties and care of a persons child
18 year old client has substantial learning difficulties and recently had DLA care component reduced from middle rate to low rate on renewal. Decision
neilcoll24-Oct-05 06:44 PM
by Derekbell
from cmmrs site - 'A Tribunal of Commissioners has been convened to consider the issue of 'motivation and prompting' in the context of DLA 'attent
shawn21-Oct-05 04:02 PM
by Steven
work and dla
i have a client with mental health difficulties who has always worked except when having periods of illnesss. the work is straightforward and not st
lucyrose21-Oct-05 02:26 PM
by lucyrose
cookin test
Hi everyone, My clients are predominatley from the South East Asian communities. when claiming dla/cooking test. I am very careful to state the cli
jav21-Oct-05 12:36 PM
by janesmith
Suspected DLA overpayment
Firstly, apologies this is so long and complex. I have a client on DLA -HRM and,I thought initially, LRC - both indefinite awards. He has chronic back
Dolores2420-Oct-05 01:08 PM
by jj
From The Other Side of the Atlantic
I'm a US attorney who does the same sort of work, representing individuals with disability claims, as the people using this board. I happened upon thi
Charles T. Hall20-Oct-05 11:19 AM
by jj
Claimant led benefits conference
I suspect this ought to go in the other benefits issues forum, but as it's so unusual - and encouraging - to have a national conference organised by c
Steve Donnison18-Oct-05 01:53 PM
by carollaidlaw
I need to prove the DBC wrong!
I have a client who has been in receipt of DLA HM and HC for about 10 years. The DBC have just told him that they have no record of his claim and don'
pollyt14-Oct-05 02:02 PM
by northwiltshire
alcholism and DLA LRmob
Hi, i have a DLA tribunal for a client who has alcohol dependency. I am looking for any CDs relating to the mobility component. Cl is prone to fal
jogallag14-Oct-05 12:44 PM
by Margie
reasonableness of attention
attention has to be "reasonably required". What if the claimant, or carer, are doing something that leads to the need for attention? For example: C
carol obeirne14-Oct-05 12:33 PM
by carol obeirne
I have a very difficult client who had encaphalytis some years ago and as a result has cognitive problems, behavioural problems, depression, and a par
BrianSmith13-Oct-05 12:20 PM
by Tony Bowman
I know I saw a CD recently which discussed the suggestions put forward by tribunals regarding the use of perching stools, slotted spoons etc - the g
mike shermer12-Oct-05 01:54 PM
by mike shermer
DLA Care overpayment
Hi I act as an appointee for a lady who has severe learning disabilities and has lived in residential accommodation for numerous years. I have b
cgrant11-Oct-05 11:55 AM
by past caring