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Subject: "'landmark' war pensions decision" First topic | Last topic

editorial director, rightsnet
Member since
28th Jul 2005

'landmark' war pensions decision
Tue 01-Nov-05 03:27 PM

from bbc @ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/beds/bucks/herts/4394436.stm

'An ex-soldier has won a 'landmark decision' to be awarded a disability pension for Gulf War Syndrome (GWS).

The Pensions Appeal Tribunal (PAT) said GWS could be used as an 'umbrella term' to cover the ailments suffered by Daniel Martin, 35. The ex-guardsman, who suffers from memory problems, asthma and anxiety, said he felt "vindicated" by the ruling. His case could potentially help hundreds of ex-servicemen.'
the decision is available @ http://www.pensionsappealtribunals.gov.uk/info/decision_on_recent_gulf_war_case.pdf



Replies to this topic

Neil Bateman

Welfare rights consultant, www.neilbateman.co.uk
Member since
24th Jan 2004

RE: 'landmark' war pensions decision
Tue 01-Nov-05 03:39 PM

For what it's worth, some time ago someone at the Veterans Agency told me that if a WP claim form stated "Gulf War Syndrome" as the cause of the impairment, the claim would be refused. If it listed the symptoms and did not mention GWS, it would probably not be refused!

Of course there was no legal basis to any of this, but it's an interesting insight into the decision making process.



Top Disability related benefits topic #2427First topic | Last topic