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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

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HRT and A8's. EEA's, & British citizens
i went on an excellent LASA run course on EU law, right to reside, and HRT and have managed to cobble together cascaded training for our housing offic
glenys harriman19-Feb-06 08:02 PM
by glenys harriman
Unpaid Leave and HB
Hi, my client, working full-time at minimum wage, is wanting to take a month of unpaid leave and travel to a neighouring country (he is a refugee from
Musa30317-Feb-06 03:10 PM
by jmembery
Fleeing Domestic Violence
Hi - a general question: I think I am correct in saying that if someone moves into temporary accommodation due to fleeing domestic violence at thei
Lostdog16-Feb-06 02:54 PM
by jem1jem
Commissioner's Decision
Hello there I am trying to track down the commissioners decsion CH2888/2002 which is quoted in the CPAG HB/CTB legislation book on page 463. It is
Wendy A15-Feb-06 10:22 AM
by Wendy A
Anyone out there?
Hi, does anyone know of any fora(?)not sure if that's the correct plural - for Welfare Rights Advisers and related workers in the social housing secto
Alison Morgan14-Feb-06 07:52 PM
by glenys harriman
Housing Benefit moving out for essential repairs
Client is an owner occupier and she moved out of her home while essential repairs were carried out on her home(A). Client moved into temporary rent
smithst14-Feb-06 03:30 PM
by shawn
housing benefit cheques
I am a welfare benefit advisor. I have a client was on jobseeker's allowance but is now working and is not entitled to HB anymore but he continues
Jeffery14-Feb-06 09:44 AM
by jj
SI 2006/54 Subsidy on Backdating
the above statutory instrument comes into affect tomorrow 09/02/06, as LA's will receive 100% subsidy instead of 50% on backdate periods for HB/CTB.
bradw10-Feb-06 11:09 AM
by philad
childcare costs for HB
has anyone any comments on the following "new initiative" with regard to childcare costs. we have a tenant who has received a HB overpayment notificca
rentsteam09-Feb-06 01:55 PM
by rentsteam
Eligible Rent
Does anybody know how you can get a council to re-examine its criteria for setting the eligible rent used to calculate Housing Benefit. Glasgow City
ali l07-Feb-06 02:29 PM
by Kevin D
childcare disreguards for housing benefit
i have a client who is a lone parent and student,works part time, receives w.t.c and c.t.c.included in her tax credits is the childcare element.she pa
gerry boyle07-Feb-06 01:08 PM
by roecab2
HB problem due to partners immigration status
i'll try to keep this as brief as i can a tenant has full immigration status but his wife hasnt been given "leave to remain as partner of a spouse
johnny07-Feb-06 10:28 AM
by johnny
This new circular can be found on the News page, and paragraph 35 refers to decisons which are'nt appealable ........? We know that there was a
mike shermer06-Feb-06 09:09 AM
by ianhallett
Housing Benefit shortfalls
Does anyone have access to information on how rent officers set local reference rents? They always seem to be well below the amount most people have t
maria at dial03-Feb-06 01:09 PM
by ken
Housing Benefit Backdate
Im looking for some advice re my clients situation (would be grateful for any help!). Situation is client has severe mental health problems has be
adviceshop02-Feb-06 02:28 PM
by AndyRichards
Local Housing Allowance Challenge
I want to challenge the fact that a client, as a single, childless under 25 is only entitled to £50/week LHA. The client is bi-polar and therefore ha
AlexR01-Feb-06 02:12 PM
by Kim
Data Protection subject request
I have applied to my HB office to see all the information with regards to the recent overpayment decision. This is because there is some confusion in
Joanna01-Feb-06 02:09 PM
by jmembery
Single room rent & LA care
I have a 19 year old client who is living on her own in a two bed flat. She has a single room rent restriction applied to her HB claim and is struggli
Susanne A01-Feb-06 10:18 AM
by Susanne A
HB backdates, underlying entitlement and duty to provide information
Hello, In a good cause for late claim appeal hearing part of the period being looked at was actually covered by an overpayment. It was argued that
Kurt31-Jan-06 03:53 PM
by Kevin D
HB and CTC
hi, In calculating HB is CTC always counted in full or can any element be disregarded e.g. a disability element? thanks
Marwood31-Jan-06 01:11 PM
by Kim
Supporting People consultation
'Help us to make Supporting People even better' - ODPM consultation to raise awareness of the Supporting People programme and give client users th
shawn31-Jan-06 11:50 AM0253
Rent arrears/full housing benefit
I have a client who has been on full housing benefit for six years and lives in a H.A. property however she has built up very high rent arrears over t
Jeffery27-Jan-06 04:05 PM
by AndyRichards
Deprivation of capital
My client has just been disallowed HB/CTB on the grounds of deliberately depriving herself of capital.Two years ago, she gave her son £50,000 to he
Jeannette27-Jan-06 04:01 PM
by nevip
failure to respect appointeeship
My client is the appointee for her severely mentally ill son. However, in spite of numerous complaints each time followed by reassurances that it won
sarc24-Jan-06 02:47 PM
by Kevin D
Remand prisoner
I should know this but I canot seem to turn up anything specific. If a prisoner on remand loses IS - does he have to make a new claim for HB/CTB?
derek_S23-Jan-06 01:26 PM
by derek_S
capital disregard - reversionary interest
My client sold her home and used the equity (c.£50k) as a deposit on rented accommodation, which the landlord used to reduce the mortgage, making the
Tony Bowman23-Jan-06 09:10 AM
by Tony Bowman
Council Tax Benefit - severe mental impairment
Cl. father (77) lived alone. His income is SRP & occupational pension. Exempt CT as severely mentally impaired. Cl. (divorced, works PT, low income
Derek20-Jan-06 05:51 PM
by Kevin D
Full time Student
any swift experience would be appreciated on this one. Client is a full time student, however due to personal circumstances has had to seek a short
keysey220-Jan-06 01:33 PM
by Isn
Housing Benefit and Payment of Mortgage
To all these knowledgeable Welfare Rights Officers. Can you help me please? I have client who is 60 (Learning Disabilities) and not working. He
fair20-Jan-06 09:23 AM
by fair
Overpayment Recovery
Have a client (IS and therefore full HB) who signed tenancy for a Housing Association House in June 2004, notified HB the day after but HB in error co
Caroline D20-Jan-06 08:25 AM
by derek_S