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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2923

Subject: "Unpaid Leave and HB" First topic | Last topic

Tenancy Support Officer, Kirklees Council, Huddersfield
Member since
31st Dec 2004

Unpaid Leave and HB
Fri 17-Feb-06 12:56 PM

Hi, my client, working full-time at minimum wage, is wanting to take a month of unpaid leave and travel to a neighouring country (he is a refugee from Iraq) to assist in his wife's application for entry clearance to the UK. During this time he will be in receipt of nil-income - does this mean he will qualify for HB and CTB?

Thanks in advance.



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Benefits Manager AVDC, Aylesbury Vale DC - Aylusbury bucks
Member since
01st Mar 2004

RE: Unpaid Leave and HB
Fri 17-Feb-06 03:10 PM

Not necessarily I am afraid. As he will remain an employed earner, the Council will have to calculate his Average weekly earnings. Although not receiving pay for four weeks will reduce the average, it may not necessarily result in entitlement to benefit.

Where someone’s income fluctuates, as will be the case here, the Council will look at the income “over such other period preceding the benefit week in which the claim is made….as may…enable his average weekly earnings to be estimated more accurately.

Reg 29(1)(b) of the 2006 regs.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2923First topic | Last topic