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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

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Bank charges for statements
A client reports that her bank wants to charge her £5 per sheet for duplicate statements which she needs to a HB claim. HB are askign for the usual 3
suewelsh24-Mar-06 01:19 PM
by AndyRichards
Moving in delay for disability adaptations
Single Client who was a non dependant had to enter into hospital. From there he accepts a tenancy but he cannot move in until the house is adapted.
gerdarhondda22-Mar-06 08:52 AM
by gerdarhondda
Date of claim
I'm sure I saw a summary of a new SI, possibly in October or November 2005, which changed the date of claim for HB. I have found the information abou
ruthanna21-Mar-06 04:21 PM
by shawn
Council Tax Bands for Long Term Tenants.
Does anyone know if long term tenants are only liable to pay council tax in Band A , I have a client in Band E who is a long term tenant , but thinks
wba20-Mar-06 01:52 PM
by fair
Council tax liability
Our client is the owner of a house which is also occupied by her mother. Daughter/owner is schizophrenic, receives IB and DLA and has certificate st
Ruth_T17-Mar-06 08:19 AM
by Ruth_T
Interview following 'PACE' guidance
I have a client with mild depression and anxiety who has been referred following an overpayment of HB/CTB. She was sent a letter asking her to attend
Carole16-Mar-06 04:53 PM
by stainsby
HB claim not passed from JC+ processing centre to the benefit service
I am a Housing & Support Worker at an accommodation project for 16-25 year olds. One of our residents (who has now moved out) made a claim for JSA
irene16-Mar-06 03:44 PM
by AndyRichards
Hello We've had a prospective resident asking about her HB entitlement. Her circumstances are as follows: She is in receipt of incapacity benef
Lostdog16-Mar-06 10:51 AM
by Lostdog
Overpayments and the consolidated regs
I'm wading through the consolidated HB regs and at first sight it looks to me as if they have put the new overpayment regs, due to come into effect in
chrissmith15-Mar-06 01:09 PM
by derek_S
Students home
A family claiming housing benefit are having an argument with the council regarding how many people live in the house. The problem is that the occu
mjdb14-Mar-06 06:31 PM
by Kevin D
charitable payments ignored - october change
The recent rule change in October 2005 that all charitable payment are ignored as income for housing benefit and council tax benefit, for people unde
penny newell14-Mar-06 02:32 PM0290
Holiday pay
Claimant off sick receiving SSP. Whilst still sick, employer paid 2 weeks holiday pay (instead of SSP). Should this be counted as income for HB purpos
gaynaphelps14-Mar-06 12:52 PM
by gaynaphelps
Disability Premium
Client has been in receipt of widows pension for last 10 years, she suffers with Meniere's Disease (have applied for DLA)and has been incapable of wor
smithst14-Mar-06 11:26 AM
by steve_h
Capital used in Shared Ownership scheme
Hi all How would everybody think HB would deal with this scenario: Single person with Mental health needs, currently living in supported accommoda
psmith14-Mar-06 09:52 AM
by ken
Extended Payments
Hi all, I know of CH/5553/20002 that tribunals have no juristiction over extended payments of HB / CTB, this decision being due to a break in JSA c
bradw10-Mar-06 01:12 PM
by Kevin D
can housing benefit be paid for concessionary garden scheme?
Hello, can anyone help. we are introducing a concessionary garden scheme for our tenants who are elderly or disabled to assist with them maintaining t
rentsteam10-Mar-06 12:35 PM0262
Care Alarms Eligible for HB?
Hi all I know that care alarms are currently ineligible for HB. I wondered if any HB teams had started to pay them again. I have heard rumours th
psmith10-Mar-06 12:07 PM0230
Community sentences and HB
I'm trying to get my head around the rules on HB and prisoners. I see that a sentenced prisoner can only get HB in his absence from home for 13 weeks.
suewelsh10-Mar-06 10:55 AM
by suewelsh
Appeal that was never heard
Assistance required to confirm my thoughts regarding below scenario: I have just been notified that 3 individuals with learning disabilities live t
keysey208-Mar-06 01:50 PM
by keysey2
Non-dependant deduction and abolition of hospital downrating
I understand that the non-dependant deduction ceases to be applied after 52 weeks in hospital... But will the forthcoming abolition of 52-week down
David Crooks08-Mar-06 10:29 AM
by bieldwro
Lump sum of SMP
My client was made redundant just as she was about to become entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay. This was eventually settled with the help of a lawye
Lorraine07-Mar-06 12:44 PM
by claire hodgson
Human Rights, HB & non-dependents Deductions
I am a Welfare Rights Worker at Mansfield CAB and I have a client who has learning difficulties and is in receipt of IS & DLA and has a 25 year o
Mansfield07-Mar-06 12:32 PM
by fair
Mortgage & temp
A client has moved into one of our properties for a period of intensive drug rehabilitation treatment that is likely to last for 9 months. She is on
Lostdog07-Mar-06 10:08 AM
by Lostdog
Size related rent
Hello, My client is disabled, and has evidence from his doctor to support that he requires a separate bedroom from his wife. However, the rent o
Thuy02-Mar-06 02:38 PM
by Paul Treloar
rebates of up to 25% for water and sewerage charges
I heard a report on radio yesterday that from April 2006 the Government are introducing rebates of up to 25% for water and sewerage charges for some p
pat28-Feb-06 09:22 AM
by pat
HB Date of claim
Around April 05 the Treasury announced that HB date of claim would be like other benefit claims, i.e. from date of first contact, provided written cla
matherj28-Feb-06 09:09 AM
by jmembery
Housing Benefit
I have a client who has a joint mortgage with her mother. (Mother receives A/A) The client had an anurism, which left her wheelchair bound and paralys
conwywru28-Feb-06 08:28 AM
by philad
With the help of various organisations' websites and mailing lists, I am compiling a "top ten" list of suggestions from advisers and benefit administr
Geoff Fimister24-Feb-06 11:06 AM
by shawn
Averaging earnings
Anyone know of any caselaw concering this? Claimant has been on SSP since mid September last year. When her claim was decided the authority averaged e
Damian23-Feb-06 04:50 PM
by Derek
Clmt left matrimonial home to live in rented accom.
Claimant has left her matrimonial home to live in rented accommodation. She separated from her husband in October 05 and is receiving Income Support
Bashiry22-Feb-06 08:22 AM
by Kevin D