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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2981

Subject: "Size related rent" First topic | Last topic

Caseworker, Southern Focus Trust, Housing Advice Centre, Portsmouth
Member since
25th Jan 2005

Size related rent
Thu 02-Mar-06 01:55 PM


My client is disabled, and has evidence from his doctor to support that he requires a separate bedroom from his wife.

However, the rent officer will not consider the extra room required, and has assessed only on one bedroom. Discretionary Housing Payment currently tops up shortfall in rent, but this is subject to review. No guarantee DHP award will continue indefinitely.

Does anyone therefore know if there has been a change in the law which means rent officers must take into account of the extra room required, and assess accordingly?





Replies to this topic
RE: Size related rent, Assessor, 02nd Mar 2006, #1
RE: Size related rent, nevip, 02nd Mar 2006, #2
      RE: Size related rent, Paul Treloar, 02nd Mar 2006, #3


Housing Benefit Assessor, Penwith District Council
Member since
29th Mar 2004

RE: Size related rent
Thu 02-Mar-06 02:15 PM

It is for the La to decide on whom to include in the household.

This information should then be sent to the Rent Office for a decision based on the information submitted.

You know from your post that the subsequent decision will give the same valuation for a couple as a single person (not including most under 25 people).

The regs do not allow for extra rooms for anything else, hence dhp.

There has been no change in the law yet...




welfare rights adviser, sefton metropolitan borough council, liverpool.
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: Size related rent
Thu 02-Mar-06 02:23 PM

Last time I looked CPAG were looking for a test case on this.



Paul Treloar

Policy Officer, London Advice Services Alliance, London
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Size related rent
Thu 02-Mar-06 02:38 PM

They are still looking, see CPAG website for details.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2981First topic | Last topic