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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit

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Tax credits overpayments and official error
As the tax credit reconciliations for the last fiscal year come to fruition the arguments about whose fault it was that overpayments took place will b
JohnA11-May-04 12:53 PM0715
Married couples and seperation
In the tax credit act a married couple is defined as: a man and woman who are married to each other and are neither- (a) separated under
Damian Walsh06-May-04 01:36 PM
by rhessell
Child Tax Credit transfer
I have just read the news item about transfering support for children to CTC. In it Dawn Primarolo says that when a family with children claim IS or J
AndyKitchen27-Apr-04 10:10 AM
by Paul Treloar
Income Support "passporting" onto max TC
Here's something that's been worrying me in the last few weeks of teaching a new "Tax Credits Complexities" course... The received view is that IS
expresstraining22-Apr-04 12:22 PM
by ashyk
Relevant young person returning home
If a relevant young person ( aged under 19), in full time education returns to live with parent(s), Social Care Services still have a duty to the youn
Claire20-Apr-04 11:20 AM0518
Change to residential education (notional income rules)...
Single parent in receipt of I.S. Child with disability at res. school funded by LA. Under I.S. rules, educational funding treated as notional income.
stevegale19-Apr-04 01:15 PM0412
Tax Credits - Provisional Payments at start of tax year
I know that tax credits awards from 6 April will initially be provisional payments under s24(4) TCA 2002 and reg 7 Tax Credits (Payment by the board)
Jon_Blackwell15-Apr-04 01:20 PM
by VictoriaJ
Tax credit top up payments
Are top up payments still being made? I had a query from a lone parent whose tax credit payments (WTC and CTC) were reduced to nil five weeks ago due
angie14-Apr-04 10:15 AM
by TC
Appeal tactics re CTC deductions in Income Support
We have two cases on the go where clients earned enough in the first part of the tax year to ensure that their Child Tax Credit comprises only the bas
Paul Robinson14-Apr-04 10:07 AM
by JohnA
WTC goes up, Housing Benefit goes down
The Disability Benefits Consortium needs some real life examples of Housing Benefit gobbling up WTC. This issue is currently being looked at by the t
michael_h05-Apr-04 02:45 PM0566
Working Tax Credit and the Disability Element
Difference of opinion in service. Can you help. Confusion over what circumstances allow the inclusion of a disability element in the calculation
anneam25-Mar-04 08:09 PM0700
Budget changes for age 19+
Does anyone have any more information yet on likely implementation date for the extension of entitlement of IS/CB/CTC until the end of the course of (
theresa rowe24-Mar-04 05:16 PM
by theresa rowe
Child Tax Credit and Incapacity Benefit
Just read news item on changes to Tax Credits from April which says 'a person not to be treated as responsible for a child or qualifying young person
JService24-Mar-04 01:12 PM
by JService
recourse to public funds
still that old chestnut i'm afraid. Does anybody know of any clear decision/guidance on this. Both members of couple in this case have the prohibition
davidp19-Mar-04 10:08 AM
by shawn
New TC overpayment rules
new regs published to the news area today provide for miscellaneous tax credit amendments including placing a limit on the recovery of overpayments of
shawn18-Mar-04 01:00 PM0713
Off setting business losses
Can anyone tell me if I've got this wrong.. I've spoken to numerous operators at Ctax advice centres including team leaders who all state that the dir
markwmap17-Mar-04 10:08 PM
by markwmap
tax credits overpayments etc
can i recommend to everyone the article on tax credits overpayments in the link on the latest NAWRA conference. Everything seemed a lot clearer to me
glenys harriman15-Mar-04 01:41 PM
by shawn
Amount of payments from April where in year overpayment
Where tax credit payment is currently less than award because claimant's yearly entitlement has been reconsidered and lowered and therefore they have
JService15-Mar-04 08:22 AM
by vn
Should 'reduced' TC awards *really* be treated as gross awards by IS?
My apologies if this subject has been well aired already - I've not used the forum for a while - but it's the old chestnut of 'reduced' TC awards bein
Phillip Allen12-Mar-04 02:58 PM
by glenys harriman
HB and TC overpayments
new regs out today amend the Housing Benefit (General) Regulations 1987 and the Council Tax Benefit (General) Regulations 1992 to provide that the amo
shawn12-Mar-04 02:57 PM
by rwilkinson
tax credits
Referring to previous postings, I have seen a tax credit appeal bundle this week. I haven't read it yet (it's a colleague's case) but it concerns coh
carol_laidlaw12-Mar-04 02:56 PM
by nevip
Tax Credits
It is our understanding that Tax Credit overpayments are not appealable. Is this correct and, if so, surely this is against natural justice?
whitegates12-Mar-04 02:45 PM
by glenys harriman
WTC &CTC including arrears in awards
Appears to be a practice at Inland revenue of adding arrears into current awards instead of seperating them. This will obviously inflate the weekly a
Dm12-Mar-04 02:27 PM
by glenys harriman
Top - Up Payments
Will top up payments form part of this years award and therefore be recoverable from on-going Tax Credits from April?
JService12-Mar-04 02:17 PM
by glenys harriman
Recovery of overpayment via PAYE from April 2005
I understand that from April 2005 overpayments will be able to be recovered from PAYE - does anyone know if there is to be a maximum that can be recov
JService12-Mar-04 11:56 AM0692
Tax Credits authority for an intermediary to act profor...
Just to let you know that we've published a link to the Inland Revenue proforma - 'Tax Credits authority for an intermediary to act
shawn10-Mar-04 04:13 PM0649
Child tax credit and working tax credit
I have a tenant who has accepted foster care responsibilities for a 5 & 9 yr old. The foster care allowance is £95 pw for each child. While it is cl
Moufassa10-Mar-04 02:56 PM0660
Draft leaflet - Tax Credit Penalties: How tax credit e...
Draft leaflet - Tax Credit Penalties: How tax credit examinations are settled ... 'Draft text for a leaflet issued to a claimant i
shawn09-Mar-04 02:15 PM0690
disability element for couples
WTC disability element for couples – Some colleagues and I started to have a discussion (as you do) on whether a disabled partner who is not working a
Euan_Henderson03-Mar-04 10:33 AM
by jimpepin
WTC and Maternity Leave
I have a client (single mum) whose getting WTC (including childcare costs for first child)whilst on maternity leave (with 2nd child)- she's gettng SMP
JService02-Mar-04 11:14 AM
by expresstraining