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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit

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Previous actual income or assessed income for WTC 05/06
Client with actual income of £12000 for 02/03 which was used in WTC assessment for 03/04. Client then has income of £13500 for end of year 03/04.
jacqstewart11-Apr-05 12:24 PM
by Gerry2
Working Families Tax Credit
Please can someone let me know if an old overpayment of Working Families Tax Credit can be recovered via direct deductions from current Income Support
Flowery08-Apr-05 09:33 PM
by JohnA
Childcare Costs for new baby whilst on Maternity Leave
Can the childcare element be claimed in respect of a new baby whilst the parent is on maternity/paternity leave? The 2004/5 Edition of CPAG's Welfare
Ros_Thomas07-Apr-05 08:53 AM
by Ros_Thomas
When is a Crisis Not a Crisis?
Is anyone else having problems with WTC and CTC payments due to the computer system being "updated"? We have had several clients who have had no paym
Margie07-Apr-05 08:01 AM
by Margie
Non entitlement based on previous year
Client circumstances: Married, one child. Partner not working, client working 16 hours a week, earning £6.06 per hour. They receive child ben an
mike shermer06-Apr-05 02:23 PM
by Gerry2
Free school meals
Can anyone tell me whether the child tax credit threshold of £13,480 a year for claiming free school meals has been uprated for 2005? Thanks
Lorraine05-Apr-05 02:18 PM
by Lorraine
Residence Order Allowance - treatment for IS & CTC
Residence Order Allowances (& adoption allowances) currently count as income for income support up to the amount of the child allowance of £38.50. (Sc
Debbie Witton30-Mar-05 01:49 PM
by tina byers
tc overpayments - what should be done?
Hi there, You may know that we have only a few days left of the eCon on tax credit overpayments (ends on Friday 4th March) on www.adviceni.net . Pleas
abcxyz22-Mar-05 11:42 AM
by abcxyz
Childcare costs
I recall reading something about the regulations on childminders being relaxed so that use of minders other than those registered under the present ru
Derek21-Mar-05 12:08 PM
by shawn
Re: news item link-tax credit overpayment briefing
shawn i haven't been able to open the pdf file at any location- i'm getting a 'file damaged...' message - is it just me? jan
jj18-Mar-05 08:33 PM
by JohnA
Tax credits and foster care
We have been finding that many foster carers have been misinformed as to their position by the Helpline. We have been pressing for change to the ad
JohnA18-Mar-05 07:56 AM
by stephenh
Backdating Disability Element
have appeal regards client not informing she had claimed DLA on 3-10-2003 but informed them when DLA was awarded at tribunal on 14-9-2004, but inland
grahamabdn17-Mar-05 06:54 AM0432
Overpayments successfully remitted!!
I now have two cases where overpayments of tax credits have been fully remitted. Here are the details, in case they can help anyone else: Client w
welfare_CAB14-Mar-05 08:35 AM
by welfare_CAB
authorisation problems- ready to scream!!!
Hi all Just a simple call to tax credits to check on a date client updated them on c of circs to support a HB backdate, but no couldn't be that sim
juliev10-Mar-05 11:04 AM
by Derek
Boot on the other foot against the Inland Revenue
I thought that advisers might like to know about the following success in resolving administrative failure by the Inland Revenue. Among other thing
Neil Bateman08-Mar-05 01:08 PM0696
Tax Credit o/pymt - meeting with Inland Revenue
summary of case - client seperated from wife over 2 years ago. wife moved out, client remained in home and was main carer of their three children. whe
rich07-Mar-05 09:41 AM
by ken
Phone applications to reduce recovery rates
I think I've just imagined a phone conversation with a person on the Overpayments Hotline (first I've even heard of it) I've just been told that
suelees05-Mar-05 06:07 AM
by JohnA
Change of circumstances prior to renewal.
My client has recently lost one of her two jobs. The reduction in her taxable income for the current year will be insignificant, but her anticipated i
Peter Newton02-Mar-05 02:50 PM0392
WTC Varying hours remunerative work
CPAG seems to be unclear about this. My client works varied hours (anything from nil to 45 hours a week). There is no 'pattern', and the CPAG sugges
catya02-Mar-05 02:29 PM0419
WTC with childcare costs
Client (married, has baby 6mths) unable to work, claimed Incapacity ben. Feb 05, been sick since Nov 03, it was refused (not enough NI contrib) is app
ib01-Mar-05 04:18 PM0445
tax credit appeal
I have a very tricky situation, bit of a moral dilemma really as well as a benefit issue. My client has had her tax credits stopped because the IR bel
pollyt01-Mar-05 02:13 PM
by Lorraine
severe hardship / recovery of overpayments
Does anyone have / know where we can get hold of the new IR guidance on severe hardship overpayment write off's? I have been told that one has rece
Emmab01-Mar-05 02:01 PM
by Emmab
Backdatting Delays - Help
I am incredibly frustrated chasing up what should be an automatic backdatting entittlement. This is mostly from the change over from Income Suport to
Richard Pearce22-Feb-05 04:15 PM
by Robbo
death of joint claimant
It doesn't seem clear from the guidance whether a claim ends when a joint claimant dies, or whether it just a relevant change of circumstance. Can an
triciacowan22-Feb-05 04:55 AM
by Barbara W
Up till now, I have only ever contacted the Tax Credit office by letter (and normally get a reply within 6 weeks or so). However, I needed to telepho
BobKirkpatrick21-Feb-05 04:47 PM
by Derek
eConsultation on tax credits
Hi there, adviceNI is running an eConsultation on the tax credit overpayment issue and after 2 weeks there is already considerable interest. Our lates
abcxyz21-Feb-05 03:16 PM0416
All happy by the seaside...
The IR Employers Bulletin issue 19 (Feb 2005) has just dropped onto my desk. Page 11 is about Tax Credits, and has a large picture of a smiling, happy
steve_johnson21-Feb-05 12:44 PM0438
tax credit amnesty
early day motion - 'Tha t this House notes that half a million or more families were overpaid child tax credit in 2003-04, often as a r
shawn21-Feb-05 12:29 PM
by carol obeirne
Singing caterpillars revisited
further to the earlier discussion thread
shawn14-Feb-05 10:10 AM
by shawn
appeal heard - calculation of (in year) overpayment
Tribunal hearing - Clnt appealed s16 decision of 10/03 to revise her award because of various changes of circumstances. The revised decision changed h
Peter Turville04-Feb-05 12:46 PM
by loliver