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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #826

Subject: "Phone applications to reduce recovery rates" First topic | Last topic

Welfare and Debt Advisor, Stephensons Solicitors, Wigan
Member since
28th Jan 2004

Phone applications to reduce recovery rates
Thu 24-Feb-05 10:15 AM

I think I've just imagined a phone conversation with a person on the Overpayments Hotline (first I've even heard of it)

I've just been told that I'm completely wasting my time sending in income and expenditure forms when requesting reduction in rates of recovery. The woman I spoke to today confirmed they would ignore anything we sent in (nice to know after sending in dozens). She says all claimants need to do is ring the O.H. on 0845 302 1429 and they will complete an i & e form over phone, ask the claimant how much they can afford and voila - sorted. Let's see eh ?



Replies to this topic
RE: Phone applications to reduce recovery rates, steve_johnson, 25th Feb 2005, #1
RE: Phone applications to reduce recovery rates, suelees, 25th Feb 2005, #2
      RE: Phone applications to reduce recovery rates, gerdarhondda, 03rd Mar 2005, #3
RE: Phone applications to reduce recovery rates, suelees, 04th Mar 2005, #4
RE: Phone applications to reduce recovery rates, JohnA, 05th Mar 2005, #5


manager, walthamstow cab
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Phone applications to reduce recovery rates
Fri 25-Feb-05 03:56 PM

I am getting increasingly annoyed with the cavalier attitude of (some) IR staff. There is increasing anecdotal evidence of relevant income increases being reported but ignored, of requests for tapes of key telephone conversations being ignored, of overpayment requests being ignored etc etc. The Revenue has been given the job of delivering a decent public service to people who ultimately pay their wages.

On what legal basis do they ignore your written requests to reduce the recovery rates? I am not aware of anything in the claims and notifications regs that says they can ignore letters.

Thank you for reading that! Saved myself a few quid that would have gone to the theapist. Hope you all have a good weekend.





Welfare and Debt Advisor, Stephensons Solicitors, Wigan
Member since
28th Jan 2004

RE: Phone applications to reduce recovery rates
Fri 25-Feb-05 04:04 PM

I'm almost gnashing my teeth and weeping when I see the diary has a 'tax credit' client booked in. The word 'frustrating' doesn't come anywhere near...but it does begin with the same letter (often x 3)




Welfare Rights Adviser, Community Care, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Member since
30th Jan 2004

RE: Phone applications to reduce recovery rates
Thu 03-Mar-05 05:31 PM

I have a client who tells me that the recovery line has verbally agreed a repayment rate of £5.00 a month. (definetely a month)
The overpayment is some £2,900 . They are now no longer in receipt of Tax Credits but on low income of Incapacity Benefit and some Occupational Pensions but considerably above the £121.00 IS applicable amount.
The overpayment seemed to have been caused partly by the IR not acting of change in circumstances and partly by overall earnings being higher than expected. (Appeal is now also made if claimant agrees to proceed )

If that is indeed the recovery that would be accepted it is obviously much lower than the rates given in the code of practice. What worries me is the future position : Who is to say that all details of income/ expenditure were taken? How is the person to know how long the rate in this agreement would be valid for?
I still advise/arrange for people to send in written offers and evidence at least they may have some protection.
Or is that just wishful thinking now?
I'll report if it works out that this rate has been accepted in writing or practice




Welfare and Debt Advisor, Stephensons Solicitors, Wigan
Member since
28th Jan 2004

RE: Phone applications to reduce recovery rates
Fri 04-Mar-05 08:07 AM

Update on this particular client - she rang and when she eventually got through they refused to honour this !! I then rang and it was confirmed ALL recovery had been suspended which threw me but they wouldn't expand on this. I then rang a diff dept and they said it was only the £300 overpayment recovery which had been suspended but that she still had an in-year adjustment of her WTC being recovered from her CTC at £80+ pw. You can imagine she's chuffed to bits as this leaves her with appx £80 pw to bring up two kids.




Chairman, Low Incomes Tax Reform Group
Member since
18th Mar 2004

RE: Phone applications to reduce recovery rates
Sat 05-Mar-05 06:07 AM

My advice would be to ask for immediate additional payments (page 3 and 4 of COP26). If this is not immediately forthcoming by giro at her local IREC then escalate it as a complaint, possibly with a copy to the Adjudicator.

With clients like this they cannot wait for due process, which may take weeks.

Are we sure that the overpayment is valid in the first place? So many are not.



Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #826First topic | Last topic