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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #91

Subject: "Recovery of overpayment via PAYE from April 2005" First topic | Last topic

Benefits and Income Adviser, NBH, Blackburn
Member since
27th Feb 2004

Recovery of overpayment via PAYE from April 2005
Fri 12-Mar-04 11:56 AM

I understand that from April 2005 overpayments will be able to be recovered from PAYE - does anyone know if there is to be a maximum that can be recovered. I came across someone who was using a huge TC overpayment (£5'000 approx) as an interest free loan to take his family on holiday this year on the assumption that as his entitlement should be £545 a year that this will be the max he will have to pay back each year - but I am concerned that from April 2005 the IR may recover at much higher rate through his PAYE.

Anyone any info on this?


Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #91First topic | Last topic