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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views
Tenant/Non Dep
I have a tenant and she is the sole tenant but has someone living with her who until recently was her partner. The LA has recognised that they are no
MargaretGarner10-Nov-06 10:24 AM
by MargaretGarner
Discretionary Housing Benefit
Is there anything in the rules that says DHP cannot be paid to cover a minimum non-dependent deduction. ? The clients daughter (19) has no income and
nicknicolson09-Nov-06 03:47 PM
by jmembery
Does anyone have any news about developments following this supported accommodation case? I know some housing providers are trying to modify licenc
wwr09-Nov-06 02:31 PM
by Kevin D
Customer Management System and paper claims
Hi, I have done some research about CMS and the nationwide problems it is causing. A local HB office has just started to be part of the CMS and is re
lisag08-Nov-06 02:36 PM
by lisag
non-dependent deduction
Good afternoon all, need some advice please. A non-dep turned 18 in May and has not been working or claiming any benefits until 22 September 06, he
Su08-Nov-06 01:27 PM
by Su
Housing Benefit child care disregard
Hi, I have a client who is contracted to work 16 hours pw. She gets WTC and CTC including a child care element. Unfortunatley, due to various reasons
traceyanne08-Nov-06 12:32 PM
by AndyRichards
Decision needed
Has anyone got a link or copy of CH/3629/2002? Tha nks
matherj07-Nov-06 08:38 AM0300
Copying information requests to Supporting Organisation
Hello all We have a very good relationship with some of the benefit administrators at our City LA - they automatically send letters directly to us
Lostdog06-Nov-06 12:56 PM
by Lostdog
Possible deprivation of capital
I have been to visit an elderly Chinese couple. They made a claim for Pension credit in October 05. They were granted Guarantee Credit back to Octob
Carrie103-Nov-06 05:17 PM
by sennals
Housing benefit - no recourse to public funds
My client and his wife are both over 65 and his wife has health problems. They both have US passports. He came to the UK to work some years ago but i
Nicola Wallace03-Nov-06 03:26 PM
by Nicola Wallace
Entitlement to HB / liability for CTax
I have a client who was in hospital long term, signed a tenancy and then moved into our property. HB turned down the claim on the grounds she did not
mary partridge03-Nov-06 11:31 AM
by Kevin D
Client was in receipt of IS, and full HB. Started work, and on Housing Officer calculation (HO employed by landlord of RSL)of HB started paying £10 p
matherj02-Nov-06 09:12 AM
by matherj
Impact of CH/423/2006 - Sheffield 'supported living' cases
Does anyone a) know if this decision is being challenged? b) have any views on the impact of the decision and whether Housing Benefit managers ha
Claire31-Oct-06 06:05 PM
by sennals
Still confused about housing benefit overpayments!
I thought I knew about the new hb overpayment regs from April but now I'm not so sure. I've just been told that hbop's can still be recovered from la
Alison Morgan31-Oct-06 04:49 PM
by stainsby
Overpayment of HB
I have a client who was overpaid HB following a HBMS check which highlighted that client was in receipt of WTC which was not declared. The client has
nirmalsinghgill31-Oct-06 01:36 PM
by nirmalsinghgill
Service charges with regard to Alarms in Sheltered Schemes
Hi Since 2003 Supporting People have covered the alarm charge in sheltered schemes. I have a query with regard to repairs and maintenance of alarm
Carrie130-Oct-06 04:40 PM
by Fred Grand
4 week notice period
Can anyone point me in the right direction to the decision that allows prisiners who have to give up there tennancies following sentance to claim HB f
Phil Wiley30-Oct-06 10:47 AM
by Phil Wiley
We have a client who is awaiting date for HB/CTB appeal - meanwhile our CT section is collecting alleged O/P through benefits - is it only guidance
mike shermer26-Oct-06 12:20 PM
by shawn
discretionary housing payment/ temporary absence
Client was getting CTB only while living in owner occupier property. She then got a tenancy from council but did not move in for 11 weeks because of
alison1w25-Oct-06 09:36 AM
by alison1w
Money Paid to an Appointee
Hi, Just wondering if anyone can help me with this or find a way around it. I have some clients .... a couple, their daughter lives with them an
longs19-Oct-06 03:37 PM
by longs
pension credit overpayment recovery from pension
ive just met a client who has large pension credit overpayment due to failure to inform of capital he had. his PC ended and the overpayment is bein
johnny19-Oct-06 10:43 AM
by johnny
HB if absent from home during notice period
Can anyone clarify the rule for me in what must be a fairly common scenario? If a tenant goes, for example, into hospital, HB will continue (subject
rachelr18-Oct-06 07:09 PM
by Kevin D
HB and CTB overpayment
Tribunal of commissoners - CIS/4348/2003 - decision dated 20/07/2005. 12 B v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions EWCA Civ 929 The abov
ianwe18-Oct-06 01:59 PM
by ianwe
Housing Benefit on two homes
My client was living in unsuitable accommodation with the council, she was offered temp accommodation (again through the council) in July and was gi
laura17-Oct-06 03:02 PM
by Kevin D
Drugs Rehab - Non Comercial Liability
I am acting for a fairly newly formed charity that has opened a residential drug rehab centre. Residents enter for an initial period of 9 months and
SLloyd16-Oct-06 09:46 AM
by stainsby
housing and council tax overpayment re CH/4234/2004
Can anyone help. I have an appeal ongoing for HB & CTB O/P. Appeal has been on hold whils t outcome of high court decision above. Seems that whils
nigel bonser14-Oct-06 12:55 PM
by Kevin D
Regulation 101 & premature recovery
I am currently battling with a certain London authority and you may or may not ‎recognise who they are after you have read this.‎ This
Jill Fernandez13-Oct-06 11:50 AM
by knowsley cab
Non Dependant - Theoretical query
Hi everyone, Quick theorectical question for you... Non dep living in claimants household has dependant child aged 18/19 for whom the non dep receiv
nowly12-Oct-06 05:19 PM0399
Is there any way of appealing Rent Officer decisions?
I would be grateful for any advice on the following case: One of my clients moved into a privated rented flat in September 05, he claimed HB and a
Sam Warburton12-Oct-06 03:23 PM
by jmembery
HB & Tax Credit overpayments
In 03-04 client was overpaid tax credits. The amount she was actually paid was used to calculate her HB entitlement. She has now (very belatedly) be
Derek12-Oct-06 11:37 AM
by stalbansbens