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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

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Backdated HB
Just returned from holiday so mind has gone blank. Can anyone help me please? We have a tenant who was awarded HB back to 2005 as a result of Pension
MargaretGarner11-Sep-06 10:59 AM
by derek_S
Housing Benefit on Two Homes
Hi My Client had her Housing Benefit stopped,10.11.05 as she did not provide info to HB about her change of Circs.(HB had received information from th
Dale11-Sep-06 08:59 AM
by stainsby
Date of appeal
I have a client who has had their claim cancelled, notified of this decision on the 1st September 2005. We requested a late revision of this decisi
Oliver08-Sep-06 09:18 AM
by Martin_Williams
Housing Benefit and Disabiliy Premium
Hello, can't seem to change my profile but am now a HB appeals officer. I Had a strange request from district chair regarding one of my cases. Clai
Leo07-Sep-06 03:40 PM
by keith venables
Awarding Good Tenants
We are a local Housing Association and are in the process of considering different ways we can award good tenants. One of our ideas is to give them a
Oliver07-Sep-06 09:07 AM
by AndyRichards
Hi I have a client who went abroad on 18/01/06 and returned to the UK on 10/04/06. His daughter notified the Jobcentre of his trip and JSA stopped
Saffron06-Sep-06 08:47 AM
by Phil Wiley
Loss of HB - intervention forms
I have a recently referred client who lost about 8 weeks benefit due to an intervention form not being returned within the LA's timescale last sep/oct
Alan Hind04-Sep-06 12:58 PM
by jj
Housing Benefit backdating appeal - 10/05/05
My first HB appeal, client has been refused backdating as did not return her postal intervention form to renew her claim. Due to her mental health pr
jojo30-Aug-06 08:29 AM
by Assessor
prosecution for HB fraud
Is anyone aware of whether there is a time limit for initiating prosecution proceedings in cases of HB fraud. I have a case where the 30% penalty is b
Semitone28-Aug-06 10:23 PM
by cablou
Non-Dependant Deductions
If a HB claimant has a grown up son/daughter living with them who is under 25 and on JSA(IB), there is no non-dependant deduction. If the non-dep negl
JonL25-Aug-06 02:25 PM
by Saffron
Temporary Accomodation Booking and New Tenancy
My client has an overpayment decision because her temporary accomodation booking ended a week after her new secure tenancy had started. I'm trying
jborrero25-Aug-06 11:32 AM
by Kevin D
Upkeep of student child, disregarded income.
I've been doing better off calc on lisson grove and came across prompt re upkeep of student child. States some income can be disregarded if claimaint
Saffron24-Aug-06 01:22 PM
by Kevin D
One off payment
Some of our residents have done paintings for display at our AGM. It turns out some of our supporters/donors/in terested parties have offered to buy s
Lostdog24-Aug-06 11:53 AM
by nevip
Previous overpayment - bulk recovery at new address
Hello all A resident moved into one of our properties in January 2006. HB was awarded at full rate, but the first HB payment made to us at the end
Lostdog24-Aug-06 10:30 AM
by Lostdog
Evidence at a price
I have an overpayment case where underlying entitlement was not calculated. The claimant asked for the decision to be revised to include underlying en
Damian22-Aug-06 03:45 PM
by samantha
Can anybody piont me towards a copy of Circular HB/CTB A1/99 please? Circulars on the DWP website seem to start at 2000. It deals with people not tr
BrianSmith22-Aug-06 02:45 PM
by shawn
How do I stop a non-dependant deduction?
I have a client who is on IS and is in receipt of full HB and CTB. She has had on going problems with HB and CTB through no fault of her own. Her e
laura21-Aug-06 03:30 PM
by laura
Temporary Absence
We have a tenant who is going into rehab for approx 9 months but intends to return to the property. Does this count the same as going into hospital a
MargaretGarner21-Aug-06 01:49 PM
by Phil Wiley
Arrears of PC (SC only)
Having a bit of a dense day here. Can anyone point me to the regulation that states that arrears of PC are not treated as income/capital until they ar
GAD18-Aug-06 10:05 AM0301
Miners Compensation Payments
Has anyone any info on whether Miners Compensation Payments can be disregarded for HB/CTB purposes? Many thanks
moz17-Aug-06 12:07 PM
by claire hodgson
who pays for HB on two homes
I have client who has moved from one local authority area to another. She qualifies for HB on two homes (overlapping) as she has unavoidable liability
afghanidan17-Aug-06 11:21 AM
by Kevin D
Necessary proof?
Hi One of our tenants is a self employed driving instructor who has made a claim for Housing Benefits. To complete the claim the authority has ask
Carrie115-Aug-06 04:15 PM
by AndyRichards
Death of a tenant
Hi just wondering, when a sole tenant dies, does rental liability continue thereafter? Client informed LA of mother's death. She was advised to comple
Saffron15-Aug-06 03:09 PM
by Saffron
Please help! I have an appeal against an overpayment that was raised on the 6th April 2006, covering the period September 05 to Feb 06. The Housin
Helen Evans09-Aug-06 11:32 AM
by ken
Stayed Housing Benefit Overpayment Appeals
Had a HB overpayment appeal this morning, was stayed apparently the president of the tribunal's service made this announcement yesterday, which is tha
roecab208-Aug-06 09:34 AM
by chrissmith
Rental Liability and Trustee Landlord
Why is it Friday afternoons always produce the difficult cases? Hopefuly someone out there will see some sense in this and let me know! Cl was inju
PaulW04-Aug-06 02:06 PM
by PaulW
Property owned by ex-partner
Client lived 18 years in house owned solely by partner - had 2 children. They bought another house in joint names, intending to sell the first one.
Derek04-Aug-06 12:53 PM
by Derek
exempt accomadation
exempt accomadation is exempt from being referred to the rent officer, exempt accomadation includes accom. provided by a (non metropolitan) county c
JimC03-Aug-06 09:16 PM
by sennals
DHP's & underlying entitlement
Scenario is client put in claim for HB last August but never supplied further info so claim closed from August to December. Could they put in for D
Ade J03-Aug-06 11:48 AM
by Stephencamp23
second properties - deprivation of capital?
Hi I'm currently working for a retirement village in the Midlands and we are working on applications from elderly people who want to come and live
RayKeith28-Jul-06 11:29 AM
by RayKeith