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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #3697

Subject: "Death of a tenant" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Rights Worker, Saffron Resource Centre, Leiecester
Member since
25th Apr 2006

Death of a tenant
Tue 15-Aug-06 02:06 PM

Hi just wondering, when a sole tenant dies, does rental liability continue thereafter? Client informed LA of mother's death. She was advised to complete a Tenants Notice to Quit form and advised full rent and council tax payable from date of mother's death.

Can LA recover 4 weeks rent from deceased's estate on the basis that this is required notice period?

Please confirm no CTAX liability. Deceased was sole resident. My understanding is that property will treated as exempt.

It just seems strange to me that liability can contiune when the person has died.

Any advice appreciated.




Replies to this topic
RE: Death of a tenant, nevip, 15th Aug 2006, #1
RE: Death of a tenant, Saffron, 15th Aug 2006, #2


welfare rights adviser, sefton metropolitan borough council, liverpool.
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: Death of a tenant
Tue 15-Aug-06 02:57 PM

Seems strange I know but the oustanding rent is recoverable from the estate. A lease is a form of contract that allows either party to enforce the terms of the agreement.

The agreement can only be brought to an end by:

1. Effluxion of time, i.e. the coming to an end of a fixed term tenancy.

2. The action of one of the parties, i.e. the surrender of the tenancy. Death is not 'an action of a party'.

3. The operation of law. Thus the statutory notice to quit has to be given to bring the tenancy to an end.

Thus the landlord is quite within his/her/its rights to sue the estate for the arrears.

Liability for council tax does end however with death as CT liability is calculated on a daily basis and is based on residency.




Welfare Rights Worker, Saffron Resource Centre, Leiecester
Member since
25th Apr 2006

RE: Death of a tenant
Tue 15-Aug-06 03:09 PM

Thanks, ive just spoken to someone who agrees. I could understand that any rent arrears at the time of death could be recoverd from the estate, just couldnt get my head around liability continuing after death.




Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #3697First topic | Last topic