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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

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Abroad on holiday, IS will stop, how to prevent HB ceasing
Client is going abroad for six weeks on holiday. She is on I/S (single mother). Her I/S will stop as going for more than 4 weeks. She is entitled to b
dcarlin28-Jul-06 11:19 AM
by Helen Anderson
Equity Bond
Hi I have a tenant in his 70s who has a large overpayment of Housing Benefit due to excess capital. He is not in receipt of PC. 18 months or so
Carrie27-Jul-06 03:10 PM
by Martin_Williams
Commissioners decision R (IS) 27/93
Hi, I am trying to find the above decision, without any joy. It has also been called R(SB)3/94 and CSB 290/89. It is referred to in the CPAG book
Helen Evans27-Jul-06 08:20 AM
by Helen Evans
Please can someone give me a link to the up to date HB/CTB 1987 Regs on the internet.I am having difficulties in finding it. Thanks.
suec25-Jul-06 02:50 PM
by shawn
Definition of "moving in" or occupying
I have a client who has been in hospital for a long time. She met with support staff while still in hospital and signed a tenancy to begin on May 15th
mary partridge24-Jul-06 12:09 PM
by Kevin D
HB and former matrimonial home
Husband being moved to 'very sheltered' accommodation on a permanent basis. No marital breakdown, but now to be treated as single and separate PC clai
Claire19-Jul-06 09:46 AM
by ken
rent officer determination - incorrect referral
My client has lived in the same property since 1993, with the same landlord and has always been in receipt of Housing Benefit. The landlord put the re
dcarlin18-Jul-06 04:26 PM
by Kevin D
Absence from home
I have a client who has severe alcohol dependency and who is currently trying to get admitted onto a residential 'drying out' course, run by Bethany.
seand18-Jul-06 01:05 PM
by stainsby
Non dependent deductions and childcare costs
I have a client who is currently in receipt of JSA. Her daughter is working P/T and has childcare costs of £110 pw, and claims Working & Child Tax Cr
adriennecorke17-Jul-06 12:57 PM
by jhayball
Request to Paul (nevip) or anyone who can help
I have a client who has an ongoing Housing Benefit appeal regarding a claim stopped in 2003 due to the ending of IS. He states that he wasn't invited
mairir14-Jul-06 03:58 PM
by mairir
Housing benefit for boat lodger?
Can anyone advise re: my client with disabilities living on a small boat with a van parked up alongside for cooking? He is finding it increasingly har
maria at dial14-Jul-06 09:39 AM
by maria at dial
Relationship between CTB and PC(SC)/AIF
Couple in their 80s on PC (Savings Credit only) since October 2003. AIF included capital of £18,000. Capital actually went down to £14,000 in March 20
GAD13-Jul-06 03:32 PM
by GAD
HB overpayments
Have client who has significant overpayment but is owed money for a seperate period outside of the overpayment period. Reg 102 states overpayment can
Semitone13-Jul-06 01:11 PM
by Assessor
HB on two homes
Just wondering in HB regs 5(5)if anyone can help me with what the definition of MOVE is. My client is/was living in supported accomodation, he has ju
jenny12-Jul-06 03:39 PM
by nevip
Basis of income for HB
Client has DLA overpayment recovered by deduction from his state pension. Is the amount of his pension income that is used for HB/CTB the full amount
Derek12-Jul-06 02:29 PM
by Kevin D
HB while waiting for Tax Credits
I always thought that L.A.'s couldn't suspend HB while waiting for a Tax Credit notification, or "hang on" to a new claim while waiting for the notifs
glenys harriman11-Jul-06 04:29 PM
by stainsby
People disregarded for council tax discount purposes
We are currently in dispute with a council about the applicable date of disregards and discounts. They have now conceded that discounts apply for any
SimonMee11-Jul-06 03:49 PM0287
Severely Mentally Impaired (SMI) Exemptions
It's hot and I can't read because of the heat shimmer. Somebody please give me an easy answer. Does Incapacity Benefit (credits) count as a qualify
Rowan11-Jul-06 03:38 PM
by Rowan
HB overpayment due to joint ownership of property with ex partner
Client has claimed HB since moving into property in 2003 and has not previously applied for HB. client has lived with current partner for last 20 year
Jess11-Jul-06 12:50 PM
by nevip
Persons from abroad and no NINO's
Hi, has anyone ready CH 3801 2004 yet? (if not it can be accessed at http://www.bailii.or g/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/ 2006/882.html). The question was about
benadvice11-Jul-06 08:00 AM
by keith venables
DP in HB
According to my trusty manual, the DP should be included in HB if the DWP has decided a claimant is incapable of work for a specified period. This
suewelsh10-Jul-06 11:42 AM
by suewelsh
SMI for c.tax exemption but no qualifying benefit
Client now diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia and is now in receipt of qualifying benefits for SMI exemption. Full CTB now but arrears stem from a t
suelees07-Jul-06 10:34 AM
by suelees
Suspension of HB
I have a client who is currently in receipt of income-based JSA (since 24th Jan 06) and notified the authority of this at the time (he had previuosly
cliff07-Jul-06 07:12 AM
by Kevin D
Hi Many of you refer to various regs by number. Where can I look up these regs. I use the shelter guide to HB & CTB which helps me when querying the
Carrie06-Jul-06 03:19 PM
by SLloyd
HB/CTB and the material scope of EC Reg 1408/71
Hi all, Any thoughts on whether HB and or CTB is within the material scope of EC Reg 1408/71? Looking at Article 4 I can't tell- -it has the ch
Martin_Williams28-Jun-06 11:50 AM
by keith venables
Late notification?
I have a client aged over 65 in receipt of guarantee pension credit shared rental liability with a friend in his nineties; they both received 50% of f
Carrie27-Jun-06 12:28 PM
by nevip
HB/CTB claim
Hello all, first of all please forgive my ignorance as I am new to benefit work but I have been looking at an example of a hb/ctb claim where a worki
suetom23-Jun-06 01:21 PM
by johnny
Housing Benefit overpayment
Some time ago we found some Housing Benefit legislation which said that for Housing Benefit purposes when a claimant is on Income Support the whole of
mairir16-Jun-06 04:58 PM
by stalbansbens
Student Loans
Client parnter is a full-time university student. Both are Muslims and under Islamic, or Sharia law they cannot pay or earn interest. The law forbids
cliff16-Jun-06 01:14 PM
by sah10406
Housing benefit and absence from home.
Client is a single parent. Client had a baby just under a year ago. Due to clients history social services have placed her in a mother and baby uni
laura16-Jun-06 12:21 PM
by GAD