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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #3975

Subject: "Non Dependant - Theoretical query" First topic | Last topic

Charter member

Non Dependant - Theoretical query
Thu 12-Oct-06 05:19 PM

Hi everyone,
Quick theorectical question for you...
Non dep living in claimants household has dependant child aged 18/19 for whom the non dep receives child benefit.

Under CTB regs 58 (8) (b) no non dep deduction is made for the dependant of the non dependant but this regulation is not mirrored in HB reg 74... have I missed something? Does this mean we get the silly situation where no non dep deduction is made for CTB but then one is for HB?

Any help of advice welcomed....busy scratching my head with this one!


Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #3975First topic | Last topic