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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

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Backdated claim - client has spent savings very quickly
My client, who is aged 59, received a lump sum of £15,000 when he took early retirement six months ago. He used nearly all this money to pay off debt
Nicola Wallace07-Feb-07 07:26 AM
by stalbansbens
Housing benefit entitlement when landlord father of one of tenant's children
I have a client who does not and has never lived with the tenant but is the father of 1 of her 5 children. The property is let to her and all her 5 c
ginger106-Feb-07 11:10 PM
by markwmap
Housing Benefit backdate request
Hello, I hope someone can assist. A client of mine recently asked for backdated HB to be paid to her, this was for a period of 6 weeks between 19/
SARLOUALD06-Feb-07 05:27 PM
by stainsby
Backdate/Not Backdate
I have a tenant who we have just found out will qualify for Housing Benefit. She is over 60 and so HB can go back for 52 weeks. However she moved from
MargaretGarner06-Feb-07 03:36 PM
by Kevin D
Hb paid to claimant after landlord asked for payment direct
Morning Some help with this would be gladly appreciated. One of my tenants had their Hb paid direct to themselves. Arrears accrured (over 8 weeks
Ammah06-Feb-07 02:58 PM
by MargaretGarner
fraud investigation
Hello, can anyone answer this one? If HB Office have suspended HB while they are investigating the HB claim for suspected fraud, do you know how lo
glenys harriman06-Feb-07 11:30 AM
by glenys harriman
Housing Benefit Responsibility for Child No Child Benefit
I'm preparing an appeal for a client who has been refused the premiums and applicable amounts for children as she is not in receipt of Child Benefit.
markwmap06-Feb-07 10:53 AM
by ciaran
Living together as Husband and Wife?
My client is claiming Housing Benefit in his own right. His ex wife lives with him for reasons of care. She is severeley disabled. She lives in her
Latricia06-Feb-07 07:44 AM
by claire hodgson
HB/CTB Tribunals
I am wondering if anyone has experience of decisions made within local authorities resulting in Welfare Rights Officers being unable to represent at H
masonc01-Feb-07 03:01 PM
by jimmckenny
Just a simple one - I hope - to keep you going between turkey meals. Are we obliged, with Pension Credit (Savings Credit only) claimants, to use th
robzrob31-Jan-07 09:08 AM
by suec
Housing Benefit overpayment & "income" - HELP!
I need your help...A client who is self employed claimed HB/CTB in october 2006 and I requested backdating to April 2006 as he suffers with OCD and wa
jojo29-Jan-07 04:29 PM
by stainsby
disregarding property HB appeal
I have a client who owns a property in France. This property is tenanted on a 3 year lease (2 years remaining). She has returned to england and is ren
KevinRowe29-Jan-07 04:12 PM
by stainsby
Hi Folks Think on this? Client (Single 50's) on Long Term IB. Takes a job for 3 months from July 2005. Wages £200 Weekly & WTC paid includ
billmcc28-Jan-07 09:22 PM
by billmcc
service charges - meaning of 'sheltered accomodation'
Is any one else dealing with this issue in their area? We have a large number of cases (20+) for a particular LA regarding service charges for util
Peter Turville25-Jan-07 03:54 PM
by nevip
Council Tax Benefit take up
Does anyone have experience/knowledge of successful take up exercises for Council Tax Benefit?
rwils25-Jan-07 11:09 AM
by rwils
HB and home leave when not previously at home
Bad week at the office. Been presented with a scenario by local NHS Trust: Have previously homeless client who's been hospitalised for several years.
Rob_Price25-Jan-07 10:24 AM0315
Duty of LA to avoid official error in Hben overpayment?
I am representing a couple who wished to claim Hben + Ctax Ben. They had recently been awarded Tax Credits. This was noted on the Hben form, but at th
cablou24-Jan-07 01:42 PM
by stainsby
non-dependant deductions for housing benefit
Client has 23 year old son living with her. She gets full HB apart from a 8.02 non-dependant deduction for him while he currently receives no JSA he
freddie24-Jan-07 11:20 AM
by Kevin D
HB claimant living in parents' property
I have a client with mental health problems, in receipt of DLA. She's currently got her own flat but needs to move into an extension on her parents' h
mary partridge23-Jan-07 09:08 AM
by mary partridge
supported housing - exempt accommodation
Hi all, I am pursuing several appeals at tribunal and commissioners on behalf of social landlords of supported housing schemes, on the interpretati
simonennals22-Jan-07 05:48 PM0397
Commercial Rent and Housing Benefit / renting from friend
Hi, Can anyone help me with how housing benefit may see the below situation. 2 friends live together; one is the council tenant and has been for
laura21-Jan-07 11:46 AM
by Kevin D
Housing Benefit Overpayment
A pensioner has been overpaid because she did not declare her occupational pension as well as her husbands. The overpayment is for £16844.12 and they
sd19-Jan-07 02:42 PM
by nevip
HB for a B&B?
Client was a rough sleeper for 15 years. Was offered tenancy 6 months ago, but major repairs required on this property so moved into a B&B. B&B char
Lostdog17-Jan-07 01:00 PM
by stalbansbens
Deprivation of Capital
Have received an appeal from a customer who has been treated as having notional capital in excess of £16k. In 2003, she inherited over £47k from her
Helen Evans16-Jan-07 12:09 PM
by bensup
non commercial case
I have a very cryptic reference to a case involving the issue of non commerciality (i.e. Reg 9 HBR) which involved Jesus College, cambridge. and, appe
SLloyd15-Jan-07 09:05 AM
by SLloyd
Duty to Inform LA
It's late on friday and I can't think so I thought I'd see if anyone else could answer it for me ! Scenario is:- Female tenant terminates tenanc
AdeJ13-Jan-07 09:54 PM
by Kevin D
HB subsidy
Does anyone know if LA's get additional subsidy for identifying cases of HB fraud? If not, do they get any incentives for identifying fraud (apart fro
Tony Bowman12-Jan-07 04:28 PM
by Neil Bateman
Rent waived in lieu of repairs and decoration
Hi, I have a client that is currently in dispute with a LA regarding his HB entitlement. The landlord of the property has waived payment of 4 weeks
johnrob12-Jan-07 10:13 AM
by johnrob
Another query following previous post...
Right, so my client has a £10k HB overpayment for unintentionally not declaring an occu pension - im assuming this is due to increase with the 30% pen
plumduff12-Jan-07 10:12 AM
by Assessor
Date HB entitlement starts
A housing benefit office has just awarded a claimant entitlement from the Saturday they moved in to the property. Originally HB would be awarded from
Sandy11-Jan-07 04:02 PM
by Kevin D