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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #4479

Subject: "HB and home leave when not previously at home" First topic | Last topic

Principal Welfare & Income Officer, Shropshire County Council
Member since
02nd Dec 2004

HB and home leave when not previously at home
Thu 25-Jan-07 10:24 AM

Bad week at the office. Been presented with a scenario by local NHS Trust: Have previously homeless client who's been hospitalised for several years. They want to familarise patient with home life, and have identified a suitable social landlord property that is available for periods of home leave to do this. What they want to know is, would the patient qualify for HB whilst on home leave in a situation like this. My initial response was No, coz they weren't maintaining a home prior to going into hospital, but is this a situation where you much wiser people than me could see the client getting HB?

There's an added complication of a derelict property which client has a 1/4 share in and refuses to sell, along with another sibling. The other 2 siblings want to sell.....but that's another issue I can deal with if I can grasp the fundamentals of the above bit first.


Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #4479First topic | Last topic