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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit

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I've just had a guy in to see me whilst the boss is on her summer hols and so I've been left ro handle this case. Client is suffering from severe m
nianne_li_814-Jun-07 12:25 PM
by nevip
Treating a home as occupied
My local LA is checking that tenants have moved into a property the week the Housing Benefit commences. In some cases where for example a tenant
Carrie113-Jun-07 02:11 PM
by Carrie1
Who should pay?
Afternoon all, The client is care leaver in a young persons accomodation and has some amount of learning difficulties, also receives a certain amou
bradw13-Jun-07 11:12 AM
by bradw
size related ent
Does anyone know of any case-law or had any success with arguments that a couple, one of whom is disabled, should have a 2 bedroom size related determ
nevip12-Jun-07 11:52 AM
by stainsby
R V Warrington BC ex parte Williams 1997 29 HLR 872 (QBD)
I am trying to track down a CPAG reference (footnote 24 chapter 10) but can't get this information anywhere? I am trying to get my LA to accept proo
Jro09-Jun-07 08:25 PM
by Kevin D
Notional capital
Hi. I was speaking to a Housing Association worker who was advised by a HB officer that the diminishing capital rule cannot be applied when capital ha
Liz Wilson08-Jun-07 10:30 AM
by AndyRichards
Housing Benefit Arrears
Hi i am wondering if someone can help me. I have a older couple who are on Guaranteed Pension Credit and are in arrears with the Housing Association t
anadeem06-Jun-07 01:12 PM
by johnny
Hostels and daily rents
This probably sounds like a dead basic question but I have limited experience in this area so grateful for any pointers. How do/should claimants (o
GAD05-Jun-07 11:16 AM
by GAD
Backdated Housing & Council Tax Benefit
I'm in the process of assisting client with claim for backdated HB/CTB claim. The LA have have decided that client does not meet the "good cause" c
cathmac31-May-07 03:36 PM
by cathmac
Discretionary Housing Payments
I have a client who works f/t and is in HF accomodation. The rent is therefore very high due to the furniture charge / utility chrages / rent itself a
plumduff31-May-07 08:46 AM
by mike shermer
Overpayment CD needed
cannot find acopy of Commissioner Jacobs CH2554/2002 is there anybody out there got a copy .
northwiltshire30-May-07 01:10 PM
by Margie
SMI and joint tenancy
I can't my head around this... Two brothers are joint tenants. One is working and not entitled to benefits but other is smi. We haven't yet applie
suelees30-May-07 09:00 AM
by suelees
Home unoccupied whilst in hospital
I have a client who is in hosptal and has been for the best part of a year. He is single aged 21 and sadly a tetraplegic. He took over teh tenancy o
Carrie129-May-07 04:54 PM
by Kevin D
Selling your home & claiming HB
Has anyone had any dealings in cases where clients have sold their homes to one of these firms that rent it back to you. It works like this. Client
Semitone29-May-07 12:42 PM
by nevip
Whether student is a student or not
Hello; I was wondering if I could ask for your help in this complex situation. Basically one of our students temporarily withdrew a few years ago from
Joanna23-May-07 08:57 AM
by derek_S
Assessment of 'capital' held in Virgin One Account
Have a patient being treated for cancer. He has applied for Council Tax benefit due to current low income. However, prior to his diagnosis he was in
debcon21-May-07 02:54 PM
by Kevin D
Capital Assessment of Former Home
Have a client who had to move out of a jointly owned property into an adapted flat for severe disability reasons. Can anyone tell me how her benef
derek_S18-May-07 09:52 AM
by derek_S
8 weeks in arrears
When a tenant gets full HB paid direct to them, can a landlord request the payments direct if the customer has only paid 50% of the benefit? The books
Jill Fernandez17-May-07 12:21 PM
by Kevin D
severe mental impairment
Hello Could anyone advise me, please? I ahve been asked about someone being not counted for HB/CTB purposes because of SMI and I wonder whether any
Derbyshire16-May-07 08:53 PM
by cooper1867
Overpaid Discretionary Housing Payment
I have a rather muddled situation about an overpayment and would appreciate any advice: Housing benefit awarded a Discretionary Housing Paymant to cov
Nicola Wallace16-May-07 01:56 PM
by past caring
self employed and in a franchise- off sick
Does anyone know if the fact of being in a franchise makes any difference to the calculation of Income Rules re HB (or IS for that matter). It appears
glenys11-May-07 07:30 AM
by Kevin D
No HB being processed because Ctax banding is in dispute
Hi everyone I have been informed that some of our new build tenancies are not having the HB claim decided on because the assessor has not reached a
willie sinclair09-May-07 03:58 PM
by willie sinclair
Frequency of Housing Benefit Payments
Our local councils pay HB fortnightly or 4 weekly even though most private tenants have a monthly rent liability. This means they have to subsidise th
andyk09-May-07 02:51 PM
by CraTay83
Water & Sewerage
In Scotland these W&S charges are seperate from the actual Council tax amounts but are collected by the Local Council on behalf of Scottish Water ect.
billmcc07-May-07 10:56 PM
by CraTay83
Housing Benefit, Income Support and moving into work
Hi folks, Here's a good one for a Friday afternoon. I am currently swotting up on the [a href="http://www.pub lications.parliament .uk/pa/cm200607/cm
Paul_Treloar_05-May-07 07:10 AM
by Kevin D
Re: CTB overpayments
since the LA changed its computer software, CTB overpayment decision-notices calculate the overpayment to the end of the tax year. this seems to be n
jj04-May-07 01:33 PM
by jj
Disregarded Capital
I have a 78 year old client who's capital is a few hundred quid over £16,000. He would qualify for full HB and CTB if his income was below this upper
fincm90004-May-07 08:08 AM
by fincm900
Treatment of payment
My client is having her hours reduced from 36 hours to 25 but will recieve some payments to compensate In one option available she will have her hours
Damian03-May-07 01:30 PM
by Damian
DV-benefit on two homes when husband in property
Client left the family home(sole secure tenant) 6 months ago after fleeing domestic violence, moved into a refuge. Social Services said no contact wit
dcarlin03-May-07 10:46 AM
by Kevin D
No recourse to public funds
client is allowed to work in UK, but no recourse to public funds. Is he entitled to Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit? Is very low waged.
dcarlin02-May-07 10:15 AM
by Martin_Williams