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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #4998

Subject: "Hostels and daily rents" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Rights Officer, Welfare Rights Service,Lancashire County Council
Member since
15th Dec 2004

Hostels and daily rents
Fri 01-Jun-07 05:00 PM

This probably sounds like a dead basic question but I have limited experience in this area so grateful for any pointers.

How do/should claimants (or the hostel) get paid where they are not occupying for a complete benefit week? Do they get paid a complete week for the week they move in but nothing for the week they move out? Does the hostel get paid a complete week even if the claimant only stays for a day or two, or is there a pro-rata settling up between hostel and HB department? And what sort of examples of good practice do people know of as regards admin and liaison between HB depts and hostels?

The reason I ask is because I have been asked to attend a meeting with some hostels/support providers who have indicated they are having problems with HB payments and I want to have an idea beforehand what the likely problems might be. I've had a look at the usual sources but none the wiser (may be the Friday p.m. syndrome).



Replies to this topic
RE: Hostels and daily rents, Kevin D, 03rd Jun 2007, #1
RE: Hostels and daily rents, GAD, 05th Jun 2007, #2

Kevin D

Freelance HB & CTB Consultant/Trainer, Hertfordshire
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: Hostels and daily rents
Sun 03-Jun-07 07:24 AM

Assuming that claims are made promptly, the HB regs have the effect of allowing benefit to be paid for part weeks, so I'm not sure why there should be any difficulties with LAs. Is there any more to this? Or is there simply some misunderstanding (all round)?

Anyway, the relevant regs are:

HBRs 83-85 (date of claim)
HBR 76 (date of benefit commencement)
HBR 80 (calculation of weekly amounts)

Hope this helps.




Welfare Rights Officer, Welfare Rights Service,Lancashire County Council
Member since
15th Dec 2004

RE: Hostels and daily rents
Tue 05-Jun-07 11:16 AM

Cheers Kevin. Not sure yet what the exact problems are. I was trying to second guess what the problems might be from snippets of information I'd heard. The regs seem pretty clear about daily rents so I assume the problems may be about the practicalities of getting claims, verification sorted out in short-term and emergency accommodation before people move on. I see from the HB Guidance Manual that there are shortened forms and suggested procedures for ironing out these sort of problems so it may just be a case of getting some effective liaison sorted. I'll be meeting with them tomorrow so will find out more then.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #4998First topic | Last topic