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Top Decision Making and Appeals

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Ex prisoner loosing benefit due to length of sentence
Wonder if anyone could help with this. For the purposes of calculating benefit what is a day or what is a week? A client Already in reciept of D
jboyd21-Dec-05 01:25 PM0441
good cause for backdating
i am trying to locate a reported decision R(SB)6/83, but cannot find any information on this from any of the relevant sites. are there any welfare rig
nedcab21-Dec-05 12:42 PM
by nevip
re: DLA appeal without apellant attendance
hi I have representing a cl that has come to us after a decision has been given after tribunal hearing. However, cl did not attend appeal because c
salma19-Dec-05 03:23 PM
by Essie
DLA appeal - urgent!!
Hi, I have an appeal coming up this afternoon for a blind person currently on low care, we are seeking middle rate. He mentioned to me yesterday
BGworker19-Dec-05 02:49 PM
by Essie
making a complaint
I went to a DLA appeal with my client on Wed asking for a supersession from LRCC to MRCC. She also gets LRMC but the chair clarified at the start of t
Leo16-Dec-05 10:14 AM
by Daglrock06
Seeking.... Leclare C-43/99 ECJ
does anyone have a copy of, or know of a link to this decision on the definition of a worker? Google has let me down. my fax no. is 0161 234 3320
PaulMacklin14-Dec-05 12:30 PM
by PaulMacklin
backdating single occupier discount for council tax
I have a client who has not claimed single occupier discount on his council tax since his divorce five years ago. The local authority have stated they
ellie96813-Dec-05 04:39 PM
by nevip
Test Case Rules / Hinchy
In Feb 03 the department decided my client had been overpaid CA amounting to over £2000 because she had failed to notify the CA unit of her Category B
Peter Newton09-Dec-05 11:40 AM
by northwiltshire
Linked Tribunals
I have a HB/CTB appeal and an IS appeal in respect of the same person. Both concern an alleged overpayment arising from the question of whether he was
Ian_Miller09-Dec-05 11:08 AM
by Ian_Miller
Another 'does client need to make another appeal'
I raised this issue in the similarly titled post by Paul Sweeting a few weeks back but thought I should start a new thread. This concerns overpayme
JonL05-Dec-05 03:40 PM0515
Chair directs further IB85
My colleague provided a written sub for an IB appeal and in it strongly criticized the computer generated EMP report. TAS directed an adjournment and
suelees05-Dec-05 08:15 AM
by suelees
Powers of tribunal
HB dept refered an appeal to TAS as not duly made as they said the person appealing did not have a right of appeal. The full time chair decided they d
Damian05-Dec-05 07:12 AM
by Damian
does my client need to make another appeal?
I've just taken on an overpayment case- client on IS on the basis of IFW whilst working (part time) The IFW decision (11 months ago) is that she is
Paul Sweeting11-Nov-05 08:19 AM
by Martin_Williams
Case law on valid Record of Proceedings
Hi all, Can anyone direct me to or recommend any case law which looks at the Record of Proceedings and what it should include etc in order to be va
Big Lee11-Nov-05 08:16 AM
by Big Lee
No Secretary of State - what's valid?
Decision makers act on behalf of the Secretary of State and he/she decides any claims for benefits (S8(1) Social Security Act 1998). David Blunkett
Neil Bateman07-Nov-05 11:57 AM
by Neil Bateman
Video evidence
I have a client whose HR mob has stopped following a fraud investigation including video evidence. I seem to recall that there was some controversy ab
Ian_Miller02-Nov-05 01:59 PM
by SLloyd
Decision needed
Am trying to track down CIS/236/1991 (deprivation of capital) but can't seem to find it. Anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
196402-Nov-05 12:19 PM
by stephenh
When does the rep become the rep?!!
Our local authority decision maker is sending out two copies of the appeal submission and schedule of documents to the clients, the client is then sup
bensup19-Oct-05 01:12 PM
by bensup
representation when there is no appointee
Hi all, I wonder if someone out there has any thoughts on this one? I went to a tribunal this morning to represent a man with autism and behavioural
kwackerblue18-Oct-05 03:35 PM
by andy_platts
Ownership of property
Hello... I have a question on whether a person can be classed as an owner of a property... The person claiming benefit pays approx half the prop
HBSpecialists18-Oct-05 11:45 AM
by nevip
Late appeal-renewal?
Any legal minded guru's out there who can help in an overpayment case. The amount concerned would buy a decent ferrari I've got a client who failed
Semitone17-Oct-05 02:51 PM
by Semitone
Fraud Act/freedom of information/Overpayment
We are repping someone with a £50,000 overpayment due to alleged living together as husband and wife. The claimant was interviewed under caution. The
clivedavis12-Oct-05 03:26 PM
by clivedavis
Overpayments and offsets
Hi all, I am going round and round in circles and wish to call on the collective wisdom of Rightsnet My client claimed Pension Credit on the inv
SimonMee05-Oct-05 06:15 PM
by jj
change of circumstances after decision
I represented a client at appeal in September. He was taken very ill in october 04, total organ failure and in ICU. Discharged home 12/04, applied fo
carol obeirne04-Oct-05 10:05 AM
by carol obeirne
Hi, im looking for CM/267/1993 - where commissioner mesher held that a person can be in severe discomfort while walking. does anyone have a copy?
jogallag30-Sep-05 02:53 PM
by ken
Admissibility of evidence
I have a client who had been getting high mob and mid care DLA for many years. She sent back her review forms and was reduced to low care and high mo
Danny Murphy23-Sep-05 12:15 PM
by jj
Child Benefit Admin Regs
I am scraping the barrel for an argument about an overpayment of CB. The Child Benefit and Guardians allowance (Administration) Regs are basically
Ian_Miller20-Sep-05 03:54 PM
by Ian_Miller
c o c after decision
Mr M was admitted to hospital 11/10/04 with complete organ faiure due to acute pancreaitis. He was in ICU, had op november 04 and was discharged 16/12
carol obeirne09-Sep-05 01:49 PM
by carol obeirne
B v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions - landmark Court of Appeal judgment
The Court of Appeal has this morning issued its judgment in B v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, an appeal from the tribunal of commissioner
ken08-Sep-05 05:25 PM
by Kevin D
Guidance for tribunal chairs
we believe that there has been a circular issued to chairs regarding right to reside cases, and further that there may be a regular guidance circular
Dan_manville08-Sep-05 10:02 AM
by keith venables