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Welfare rights

24 February, 2014

Universal credit claims rolled-out to Bath and Harrogate from today

'Careful approach' to roll-out is working well, says Work and Pensions Minister

21 February, 2014

Government considering charging claimants to pursue benefit appeals

Proposal under consideration following introduction of fees for employment tribunals

21 February, 2014

Atos Healthcare says it is seeking ‘early exit’ from WCA contract

Announcement follows reports that government is preparing to 'oust' provider from its £500m contract

21 February, 2014

Government confirms minimum earnings threshold for EEA migrant benefit claimants

New rules to be introduced from 1 March 2014

20 February, 2014

Cut backs and failures in benefit system forcing people to use foodbanks, say Bishops

Letter from 43 Christian leaders, including 26 Anglican Bishops, calls on government to act to end hunger

20 February, 2014

Establishing whether an EEA national is a ‘worker’ or ‘self employed’

New DWP guidance on applying earnings threshold from 1 March 2014 and deciding whether activity of those that don't meet threshold is 'genuine and effective' and not 'marginal and ancillary'

19 February, 2014

Earnings threshold to be introduced into definition of ‘worker’ for EU migrants from 1 March 2014

Claimants earning less than £149 a week for three months to face fuller assessment of whether work is 'genuine and effective', with those that fail test classed as jobseekers or economically inactive

19 February, 2014

Nearly half a million claimants affected by bedroom tax in November 2013

New DWP statistics also show wide regional variation in average housing benefit reduction, from £20.12 in London to £11.32 in Scotland

19 February, 2014

More than 800,000 sanctions applied to JSA claimants under regime introduced in October 2012

New DWP statistics also show that more than 19,000 sanctions applied under new ESA regime from December 2012

19 February, 2014

3,200 people on universal credit caseload at end of November 2013

New DWP statistics also show that 3,610 people 'started' on new benefit in first seven months of its operation

17 February, 2014

Welfare reforms will reduce benefit entitlement in Wales by around £930m in 2015/2016, says Welsh Government

New report on impact of reforms says that around half of loss, averaging £500 per working-age adult, due to changes in uprating of benefits and tax credits

17 February, 2014

Archbishop of Westminster criticises government’s welfare reforms

Basic safety net that was there to guarantee that people not left in hunger or destitution 'has been torn apart', says Archbishop Nichols

17 February, 2014

Treatment of Irish Government’s ex gratia payments to workers in Magdelen laundries

New HB Bulletin

14 February, 2014

Prescription of bladder cancer in hairdressers, barbers and textile workers for industrial injuries benefit purposes

Industrial Injuries Advisory Council review concludes that threshold for prescription not reached

14 February, 2014

Prescription of cancers of the oesophagus and cervix in dry cleaners for industrial injuries benefit purposes

Industrial Injuries Advisory Council review concludes that threshold for prescription not reached

14 February, 2014

HMRC to launch new service for claimants and taxpayers ‘who need extra help’

New service to be introduced in summer 2014 in place of existing network of Enquiry Centres

13 February, 2014

Housing benefit and the introduction of personal independence payment

New HB Bulletin

13 February, 2014

Bill opposing bedroom tax to receive second reading in House of Commons

MPs vote in favour of motion introducing Private Member's Bill by 226 votes to one

12 February, 2014

DWP issues guidance on regulations closing bedroom tax ‘loophole’

New HB Bulletin confirms that DHPs paid to those affected can only be recovered in cases of fraud or error and that decisions to recover 'may be subject to legal challenge'