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Welfare rights

4 March, 2014

SSAC expresses ‘serious concerns’ about implementation of changes to habitual residence test

Letter to Iain Duncan Smith highlights impact of three month residence rule on returning residents and necessity of clear guidance on 'genuine prospect of work' test

3 March, 2014

Interpretation of the term 'adapt the dwelling' in Regulation 7 of the Housing Benefit Regulations 2006

DWP issues new guidance following recent Court of Appeal judgment

3 March, 2014

DWP puts forward proposals for new definition of ‘exempt’ accommodation

Homeless Link and National Housing Federation report that four categories of supported accommodation would be excluded under new rules

3 March, 2014

Calculation of additional state pension in Northern Ireland

New statutory rules

3 March, 2014

Help with NHS costs in Scotland

New statutory instrument

3 March, 2014

Government launches jobs pilots to tackle black and minority ethnic employment gap

New initiative developed from survey results showing young people wanted more mentoring and work experience opportunities

28 February, 2014

Good cause for failing to attend for or submit to an ESA medical

DWP issues new guidance

27 February, 2014

Poor operational performance leading to ‘long and uncertain delays’ for PIP claimants

New National Audit Office report says that DWP failure to allow enough time to test system meant that unexpected delays in assessment process have led to large backlog

27 February, 2014

Government launches consultation on Child Poverty Strategy for 2014-2017

However, new measure of poverty delayed as Iain Duncan Smith and George Osborne say that it's 'vitally important that we take the time to get it right'

27 February, 2014

Armed forces independence payment uprating 2014/2015

New statutory instrument

26 February, 2014

Claimants’ experiences of the Youth Contract

DWP publishes findings from survey of claimants who had either received additional adviser support, been on work experience placement or attended sector-based work academy

26 February, 2014

Minimum earnings threshold for EEA migrant benefit claimants

New HB Bulletin advises local authority staff on applying new rules from 1 March 2014

25 February, 2014

DWP in ‘ongoing commercial discussions’ with Atos, says Mike Penning

Minister for Disabled people tells parliament that he intends to 'get out of' WCA contract, but without penalising tax payer

25 February, 2014

Government defeated on amendment to Pensions Bill in House of Lords

Peers vote, by 215 to 210, in favour of amendment allowing people to combine earnings from two or more jobs in order to reach national insurance lower earnings level

25 February, 2014

Benefit and tax credit uprating 2014/2015

New statutory instrument

25 February, 2014

Statistics on WCA outcomes ‘potentially misleading’, says Chair of UK Statistics Authority

Response to letter from Sheila Gilmore MP expressing concern that figures for those awarded benefit don't show fit for work decisions overturned on reconsideration

25 February, 2014

Calculation of additional state pension

New statutory instruments

24 February, 2014

Government urged to rethink decision not to renew funding for the Local Welfare Assistance Fund

LGA expresses 'extreme disappointment' that the government has gone back on an earlier promise to consult on scheme's effectiveness before making a decision about its future