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Welfare rights

16 May, 2023

Almost one in five universal credit claimants in the ‘searching for work’ conditionality regime are already in employment

New DWP statistics also show that the number of claimants required to look for work has increased over the last quarter rising to a quarter of the total caseload

16 May, 2023

Exemption from requirement to satisfy habitual residence test or past presence test for people fleeing Sudan

New DWP guidance

16 May, 2023

More than 500,000 sanction decisions were made against universal credit claimants in the 12 months to January 2023

New DWP statistics also show that sanction rate remains above 6 per cent of claimants subject to sanction as part of their conditionality regime

16 May, 2023

HMRC launches online claim service for child benefit

New service follows online proof of entitlement service that was launched in February 2023

15 May, 2023

Government outlines how DWP uses automated technologies to identify claims that ‘warrant closer inspection’ in respect of potential fraud and error

However, Minister confirms that Department does not use automation to replace human judgement to determine or deny payments to claimants

12 May, 2023

Government issues emergency legislation to enable immediate benefit support for those fleeing Sudan

New statutory instruments

12 May, 2023

MoJ launches call for evidence on how the government might ‘uphold and strengthen open justice in the modern age’

However, Justice Minister says that, while the government is committed to upholding open justice, the exercise will help it target its limited resources in light of the 'challenging fiscal environment'

12 May, 2023

Scottish Government to remove income thresholds for Best Start Foods from February 2024

Social Justice Secretary says that change for those in receipt of a qualifying benefit will extend entitlement to an estimated 20,000 people

11 May, 2023

Sanctions are ‘fair, proportionate and effective’ says Work and Pensions Secretary

Writing to Work and Pensions Committee, Mel Stride says research shows around 70 per cent of claimants agree that the potential for sanctions means they are more likely to conduct work search

11 May, 2023

More than a third of universal credit cases were either overpaid or underpaid in 2022/2023

DWP annual fraud and error estimates also show that despite the universal credit overpayment rate decreasing, the underpayment rate increased to its highest recorded level

11 May, 2023

MoJ launches consultation on proposals to reform office of Senior President of Tribunals

Reform is part of 'One Judiciary', wider work to bring greater cohesion between the courts and tribunals

11 May, 2023

Department for Communities highlights potential risks to effective delivery of social security in Northern Ireland due to restricted 2023/2024 Budget

Views sought on allocation of funds to Department in Budget which has been set by Secretary of State for Northern Ireland pending formation of the Northern Ireland Executive

10 May, 2023

DWP confirms plans for the further rollout of the universal credit managed migration programme

Publication of updated rollout plans confirms details issued to stakeholders in April 2023

10 May, 2023

More than 2 million children are living in households with a universal credit deduction

Data provided by Work and Pensions Minister also shows that more than £130 million is being deducted from universal credit awards every month

9 May, 2023

DWP urges people to claim pension credit before 19 May to qualify for first 2023/2024 cost of living payment

Department highlights that, provided claims are eligible for three months backdating, they will meet the qualifying entitlement rules for the £301 payment

4 May, 2023

Parliamentary Ombudsman concedes judicial review, agreeing that report on injustice caused by DWP’s maladministration when communicating changes to women’s state pension age is ‘legally flawed’

Once court approves settlement of claim by affected claimants, Ombudsman's stage two report will be 'quashed' and reconsidered

4 May, 2023

Secure email process now live for local authorities to share care home admissions and funding information for attendance allowance claimants with DWP

In new guidance to local authorities, DWP confirms new process was made available from 3 April 2023 and should be used by all councils going forward

3 May, 2023

DWP rejects call for those with a terminal illness to be able to access state pension early

National insurance contributions are geared towards liability to pay rather than any likelihood of future entitlement and therefore early access 'would not be appropriate', says Minister

3 May, 2023

Around a quarter of PIP and ESA First-tier Tribunal appeals were attended by a presenting officer in 2022

Work and Pensions Minister also confirms that 150 full-time equivalent DWP staff are trained to provide evidence at appeals