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Welfare rights

26 March, 2014

Higher rate of DLA mobility component for severely visually impaired people

New DWP guidance following recent Upper Tribunal decision

26 March, 2014

Benefit uprating 2014/2015

DWP issues new guidance

26 March, 2014

More than half of ESA claimants sanctioned between January 2012 and June 2013 had mental health problems

Figures included in DWP response to freedom of information request on adverse ESA sanctions decisions broken down into health category

25 March, 2014

Employment Minister confirms that transitional protection from bedroom tax can be inherited

Response to question in parliament about position for social housing tenants who have inherited pre-1996 tenancy

25 March, 2014

Universal credit ‘enhanced digital service’ to be trialled later this year

Employment Minister also confirms that approximately 50 DWP staff are working on enhanced service

24 March, 2014

Discretionary housing payments funding for 2013/2014

New HB guidance updates original allocation and gives details of local authorities who received award from £20m fund to assist with bedroom tax implementation

24 March, 2014

Scottish Welfare Reform Committee calls for changes to make WCA more ‘effective and humane’

Letter to Iain Duncan Smith makes five recommendations including that those with long term conditions should not be reassessed and better recognition of fluctuating and hidden conditions

21 March, 2014

New powers for tribunal security staff in England and Wales

New statutory instrument

21 March, 2014

Local authorities allocated £18.4m additional funding to support cost of implementing welfare reform

DWP issues new housing benefit guidance

21 March, 2014

Select Committee calls on Scottish Government to write off all bedroom tax arrears, and refund payments that have been made

Meeting all the bedroom tax charges for Scottish tenants is the only fair and workable way forward, says MPs

20 March, 2014

10.7 per cent of December 2012 Work Programme intake attained job outcome after 12 months

New DWP statistics also show that job outcomes for JSA intake are around three times higher than for ESA intake

20 March, 2014

New definition of supported accommodation for housing benefit and universal credit

New statutory instrument widens provisions preventing housing costs being taken into account for purposes of benefit cap

19 March, 2014

Welfare spending to be capped at £119.5bn in 2015-2016

Benefit and tax credits measures in today's Budget 2014 also include seven day waiting period for ESA and increased compliance checks on benefit claims by EEA migrants

19 March, 2014

Miscellaneous amendments to universal credit and the new contribution-based JSA and ESA

New statutory instrument

19 March, 2014

Miscellaneous amendments to social security regulations

New statutory instrument

19 March, 2014

3,780 people on universal credit caseload at end of December 2013

New DWP statistics also show that 4,280 people 'started' on new benefit in 2013

18 March, 2014

Benefit and tax credit uprating 2014/2015 in Northern Ireland

New statutory rules

18 March, 2014

85 per cent support on childcare costs extended to all universal credit claimants

Today's response to consultation on Tax-Free Childcare scheme also sets out increase in support to maximum of £2,000 per child and acceleration in implementation of scheme

18 March, 2014

Current service to PIP claimants ‘unacceptable’, say MPs

New Work and Pensions Committee report on DWP performance also warns that statistics should not be used to 'prop up established views and preconceptions'