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Welfare rights

27 August, 2014

Jobcentre plus should be measured on its success in moving people into work, rather than simply off benefits, says Matthew Oakley

Collection of evidence reviews commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation looks at ways of reducing poverty in the UK

26 August, 2014

Local authorities in Scotland make DHP awards totalling more than £28m in period from 1 April to 30 June 2014

Scottish Government advises that spend, which represents more than 80 per cent of yearly allocation, is in recognition of agreement that local authorities can exceed current budget limit ahead of legislation to remove it

22 August, 2014

Working families will suffer twice the level of benefit losses as out of work families by 2016/2017

New analysis commissioned by the TUC also shows that pensioner families will lose out

20 August, 2014

WCA and Work Programme ‘far from satisfactory’ for people with mental health problems, says IPPR

New report argues that reforms to improve participant experience, assessment accuracy and employment support are 'urgently needed'

19 August, 2014

Public Accounts Committee concerned that universal credit 'reset' was an 'attempt to keep information secret and prevent scrutiny'

New report on Major Projects Authority also finds that it should publish more information and publish it more frequently, even if this means reviewing government's transparency policy

19 August, 2014

Less than 5,000 of almost 120,000 families in troubled families programme achieve 'continuous employment' result

New figures also show that more than 48,000 achieved prescribed education and crime/anti-social behaviour results, leading to total of nearly 53,000 families 'turned around'

19 August, 2014

Troubled families programme to be expanded to help children aged under five

Government also says that 300 DWP employment advisers will give 'intensive support to whole families' and track progress made to get them into jobs

18 August, 2014

Iain Duncan Smith given 'personal responsibility' for delivering all of government's relationship support policy

David Cameron also announces that troubled families programme to be extended to additional 400,000 families over course of next Parliament

18 August, 2014

Centre for Social Justice recommends pilot of 'welfare card' for those who refuse to engage in treatment for addiction

New report also suggests that those who take up offer of treatment be placed in ESA support group, with reduction in benefit or sanctions for those who decline treatment or fail to carry out agreed steps

18 August, 2014

New housing cost verification process to be extended to all live universal credit sites

Change will enable the DWP to inform housing associations at the earliest opportunity that their tenants have made a universal credit claim, reports the National Housing Federation

15 August, 2014

Liberal Democrats propose pre-benefit sanction ‘yellow card’

People should get 'fair warning' before their money is taken away, says Work and Pensions Minister

15 August, 2014

Disability Rights UK sets out 10 point plan for development of an alternative WCA

Response to fifth independent review of the WCA says that there are some 'very obvious improvements' that could easily be made

15 August, 2014

DWP publishes latest quarterly statistical summary

Figures provide final national statistics on caseloads for all the main DWP administered benefits up to the end of February 2014

14 August, 2014

Changes to procedures on notifying local authorities of ESA and JSA sanctions following Oakley Review

New DWP guidance advises that sanctioned claimants being signposted to local authority to avoid housing benefit claims being 'cancelled in error', with long term IT solution to be introduced in Autumn 2014

14 August, 2014

Attribution of earnings for housing benefit purposes

New DWP guidance following Upper Tribunal decision that earnings should be attributed over period following receipt rather over period for which they are paid

13 August, 2014

5.6 per cent of lone parent income support claimants sanctioned in year up to March 2014

New DWP statistics show that 42,900 sanctions applied to 39,600 claimants in that period

13 August, 2014

More than 100,000 claimants in Scotland will lose some or all of disability benefits by 2018, says Scottish Government

New report finds that introduction of PIP will lead to total reduction in spending of £310m a year by 2017/2018

13 August, 2014

More than six-fold increase in number of ESA sanctions applied in March 2014 compared to December 2012

New DWP statistics also show that more than one million sanctions applied to JSA claimants since beginning of new sanctions regime

13 August, 2014

6,570 people on universal credit caseload at end of May 2014

New DWP statistics also show that over six in ten of the caseload are under 25