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Welfare rights

24 October, 2014

Government announces intention to temporarily suspend work-related requirements for claimants of universal credit with a child in distress

However, SSAC raises concern that draft regulations are too prescriptive and could create a two-tier approach

24 October, 2014

Increase in number of waiting days for JSA and ESA from three to seven

New DWP guidance

24 October, 2014

Designation of employment officers for community work placements and the Work Programme

New DWP guidance

23 October, 2014

Local authorities detected benefit fraud amounting to £129m in 2013/2014

New Audit Commission report also shows that benefit fraud accounted for 69 per cent of total value of fraud detected

22 October, 2014

Length of time before repeat WCA should be applied following successful appeal by claimant

New DWP guidance based on recommendations in Dr Litchfield's year 4 review

22 October, 2014

Universal credit is a 'transformational reform, being safely delivered', according to Iain Duncan Smith

New report projects that 0.5 million people will be on universal credit by May 2016 but gives no final date for full roll out

21 October, 2014

More than 100,000 households receive assistance from Scottish Welfare Fund

New statistics also show that £300,000 more awarded in crisis grants for food in period from April to June 2014 than in same quarter last year

21 October, 2014

35,530 people assisted by Access to Work between April 2013 and March 2014

New DWP statistics show increase from 31,510 in previous year

20 October, 2014

Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary writes open letter to Iain Duncan Smith on 'universal credit questions that need answering'

Following visit to universal credit pathfinders in North West, Rachel Reeves highlights continued serious problems with IT system ahead of next year's accelerated roll-out

20 October, 2014

No hope of 2020 child poverty targets being met without radical changes, according to Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission

In new 'State of the Nation' report, Commission says that it's particularly concerned that each of the main political parties is targeting further welfare cuts to balance country's books after 2015

17 October, 2014

Habitual residence and exemption from the three month residence requirement

New statutory instrument

17 October, 2014

Transition from existing benefits to universal credit

New DWP guidance

17 October, 2014

Circumstances in which jobseekers are entitled to a right to reside in the United Kingdom

New regulations reduce 'relevant period' from 182 days to 91 days

17 October, 2014

Risk that DWP’s approach to ‘assisted digital’ could lead to a diminished level of accountability

Social Security Advisory Committee publishes response to call for evidence from the House of Lords Digital Skills Select Committee

17 October, 2014

DWP confirms details of further roll out of personal independence payment

Benefit to be extended to existing DLA claimants in four additional areas from November 2014

17 October, 2014

SSAC consults on proposal to take account of past earnings in repeat universal credit claims

Government intends to take account of surplus earnings to 'protect against potential manipulation of the system by workers'

17 October, 2014

1.6 million pensioners living in poverty

New report from Age UK identifies low benefit take-up as a key reason

17 October, 2014

DWP should have increased its focus on housing benefit fraud and error sooner

New report from the National Audit Office says fraud and error accounts for 5.8 per cent of spending on the benefit