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Welfare rights

12 January, 2015

Changes to calculation of earnings for housing benefit purposes

New statutory instrument clarifies policy intention that earnings are to be attributed over period for which they are paid rather than after they have been paid

12 January, 2015

More than a million jobseekers not receiving employment support because they are not claiming jobseeker's allowance

Local Government Association calls for devolution of nationally-run education, skills and employment schemes to local areas to help those who are 'falling between the cracks'

12 January, 2015

Only 45 per cent of new pensioners will be entitled to full state pension in first five years of new system

BBC reports on response to freedom of information request relating to introduction of single-tier pension from April 2016

12 January, 2015

Scottish civil sector calls for immediate halt to universal credit roll-out in Scotland

Open letter to Work and Pensions Secretary from 56 organisations says that further implementation should wait until devolution of welfare powers is complete

12 January, 2015

Data matching exercise between HMRC’s Real Time Information and housing benefit departments

New HB guidance sets out answers to frequently asked questions

8 January, 2015

Representative body for employment support sector calls for overhaul of sanctions regime

Employment Related Services Association says fundamental reform is needed and puts forward a five point plan to make the system more effective

8 January, 2015

2,670 face-to-face work capability assessments were audio-recorded between December 2012 and February 2014

New statistics also show that 0.66 per cent of work capability assessments completed included a request for audio recording

8 January, 2015

Angela Merkel agrees to look at ending child benefit for EU migrants whose children live in another country

Following yesterday's meeting with Prime Minister, German Chancellor says that there is a need to address the issue 'in each and every Member State'

8 January, 2015

Welfare reform is hitting Wales hardest, according to Auditor General for Wales

New report also finds that the introduction of universal credit will increase the risks to councils and housing associations

8 January, 2015

Two thirds of housing association tenants affected by bedroom tax finding it hard to pay their rent, says National Housing Federation

Final report on impact of welfare reforms also finds that over 90 per cent of housing associations concerned about increased difficulty in rent collection under universal credit

7 January, 2015

Scottish Welfare Reform Committee commissions research into impact of welfare reforms on different household types

Findings of research by Sheffield Hallam University to be published in the spring

6 January, 2015

Increasing number of councils asking low-income families to pay council tax

New LGA report shows that, in face of £1bn cut in funding, less than one in seven local authorities providing same level of support as was provided by council tax benefit

6 January, 2015

IT system for notifying housing benefit departments of sanctions is 'working to specification', says Employment Minister

Written answer to parliament appears to confirm that DWP will not be introducing IT changes set out in August 2014 HB Bulletin

5 January, 2015

Work skills pilot scheme for jobseeker’s allowance claimants aged 18-21

New DWP guidance

24 December, 2014

Legislation to give effect to welfare changes to be brought before Northern Ireland Assembly in January 2015

Implementation of welfare changes will begin in 2015/2016 and be complete by 2016/2017

22 December, 2014

DWP announces trial of intensive support for jobseekers aged over 50

‘Older workers’ champion scheme to offer claimants a 'career review', intensive digital support and links to local businesses

22 December, 2014

Government launches new debt collection company

Joint venture with public sector, which will launch initially with six 'customers' including DWP and HMRC, could also be used by local authorities to help collect council tax debt

22 December, 2014

Just over 8,000 of almost 120,000 families in troubled families programme achieve 'continuous employment' result

New figures also show that over 77,000 achieved prescribed education and crime/anti-social behaviour results, leading to total of 85,000 families 'turned around'

19 December, 2014

65 per cent of discretionary housing payment allocation spent in first half of 2014/2015

New statistics from the DWP show wide variation in expenditure between local authorities