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Welfare rights

28 October, 2015

Impact of tax credit cuts reduces the work incentives within universal credit, according to the Resolution Foundation

Cuts to the work allowances mean a 'very, very large removal of the original purpose' of universal credit, says Director Torsten Bell

28 October, 2015

High levels of benefits and tax credits fraud and error remain unacceptable, say MPs

New Public Accounts Committee report finds that, whilst HMRC and the DWP have made some progress, both departments have shown 'a paucity of ambition'

28 October, 2015

Work and Pensions Committee launches inquiry into understanding of the new state pension

View sought on the way the government has communicated the changes from April 2016 and the issues people are facing in understanding the transition to the new system

28 October, 2015

Bill establishing automatic hardship payments for sanctioned claimants introduced to House of Commons

Private Member's Bill due to receive second reading on 4 December 2015

28 October, 2015

Welfare Reform and Work Bill 2015/2016 passes its third reading in the House of Commons

MPs vote in favour of the Bill by 317 votes to 285

28 October, 2015

Universal Jobmatch contract to be extended for further 12 months

Employment Minister says discussions are underway with the supplier

27 October, 2015

House of Lords votes to delay tax credit cuts regulations until government provides transitional protection and responds to IFS impact analysis

Responding to vote, George Osborne tells BBC that he will set out transitional measures in Autumn Statement

27 October, 2015

69 per cent of disabled people say that proposed cuts to ESA will cause their health to suffer

New survey carried out by Disability Benefits Consortium also finds that 40 per cent of respondents have become more isolated after having ESA reduced or withdrawn

27 October, 2015

'Lenders will still forbear' when the waiting period for support with mortgage interest returns to 39 weeks, according to Lord Freud

Responding to SSAC, Minister for Welfare Reform says DWP will monitor impact and 'keep the policy under review'

27 October, 2015

Almost £8m awarded through Scottish Welfare Fund in first quarter of 2015/2016

New figures show that around 11,000 community care grants and around 24,000 crisis grants awarded

22 October, 2015

Government to pilot 14 day warning period before applying sanctions so that claimants can put forward further evidence

Measure amongst a series of policy changes outlined in response to Work and Pensions Select Committee's report on benefit sanctions

22 October, 2015

Changes to universal credit transitional provisions

New DWP guidance on changes preventing claimants in six month 're-award' period from claiming income support, housing benefit or tax credits

22 October, 2015

Joseph Rowntree Foundation publishes new report comparing the UK's social security entitlements for young people with five other countries

Findings include that, whilst the UK limits help with housing costs to young people, Sweden provides additional support up to the age of 29

22 October, 2015

Local authorities suggest potential incentives to tackle housing benefit fraud and error

New research commissioned by the DWP looks at strengthening the effectiveness of the housing benefit subsidy regime

21 October, 2015

Tax credit cuts will ensure claimants 'will always be better off in work and working more hours', according to Exchequer Secretary

Letter to SSAC also says government has considered cuts in line with Public Sector Equalities Duty, Child Poverty Test and Family Test

21 October, 2015

Government must focus its welfare-to-work support more effectively on people with complex needs

New report from the Work and Pensions Committee also recommends a separate, specialist scheme for people with substantial disabilities

21 October, 2015

Motion calling on government to reverse decision to cut tax credits defeated in House of Commons

MPs vote against opposition day motion by 317 votes to 295

21 October, 2015

Payment of class 3A national insurance contributions to increase additional state pension

New DWP guidance

21 October, 2015

State pension ‘triple lock’ needs to end, says IFS director

Paul Johnson also recommends further increases in state pension age to ensure sustainability of system