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Welfare rights

25 November, 2016

Minister for Communities sets out planned duration of welfare reform mitigation measures in Northern Ireland

Responding to written question in the Assembly, Paul Givan also confirms that further measures will be introduced in early 2017

25 November, 2016

Abolition of community care grants and crisis loans in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

25 November, 2016

Revocation and replacement of regulations impacting on the right to reside rules for means-tested benefits

New DWP guidance

24 November, 2016

Chair of Standards Committee in Northern Ireland welcomes 'very creditable set of results' for decision making accuracy in the Social Security Agency

Decision makers exceeded accuracy benchmarks set for five of six benefits between January 2015 and December 2015

24 November, 2016

First contract under newly devolved employment support powers to be awarded by the Scottish Government

Initial one-year contract will come into effect from April 2017 ahead of the full Scottish programme of employment support starting in April 2018

23 November, 2016

Universal credit taper to be cut from 65 per cent to 63 per cent

Delivering his 2016 Autumn Statement, the Chancellor says the change will 'increase the incentive to work and encourage progression in work'

23 November, 2016

Scottish Government sets out ‘split competence’ approach to devolved welfare

Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities highlights need for Scottish Parliament to hold legislative competence 'for a while' before taking on responsibility for delivery

23 November, 2016

SSAC decides not to formally refer regulations removing universal credit housing costs from 18-21 year olds

However, Committee raises concerns about DWP's failure to consult with health experts when drawing up exemptions to the policy

22 November, 2016

Damian Green confirms that devolved employment programmes in Scotland will be voluntary

However, Secretary of State questions whether a voluntary system will secure value for money or produce successful outcomes

21 November, 2016

DWP and DCLG launch consultation on new funding model for supported accommodation sector

Government statement confirms it 'values the role' supported housing plays and is 'committed to protecting and boosting' the supply of supported housing

21 November, 2016

LHA cap for general needs social housing tenants deferred until April 2019

Work and Pensions Secretary also announces transitional protection from the cap for tenants moving from housing benefit to universal credit after April 2019

21 November, 2016

90 per cent of mandatory reconsiderations overturned Concentrix decisions in claimant’s favour

New HMRC statistics also reveal that 94 per cent of cases involving 'undisclosed partners' were overturned following mandatory reconsideration

18 November, 2016

Backbench motion to pause planned cuts to ESA passed unanimously in House of Commons

127 MPs vote in favour of motion which calls for delay until 'appropriate alternative measures to progress the commitment to halve the disability employment gap have been considered'

18 November, 2016

Chair of Treasury Committee urges HMRC to undertake 'wide ranging internal review' of Concentrix contract

HMRC will also need to tackle problems of fraud and error ‘in much more sensitive ways than achieved by Concentrix’

17 November, 2016

DWP warns that some claimants may have had the lower benefit cap applied earlier than scheduled in roll-out plans

New guidance advises that those likely to be affected are claimants previously subject to the higher cap but who subsequently ceased to be capped

17 November, 2016

Opposition day motion calling on government to reverse cuts to ESA and universal credit work allowances defeated in the House of Commons

MPs vote by 284 votes to 265 against the motion

17 November, 2016

Government responds to SSAC report on telephony problems in HMRC and DWP

Response highlights that whilst DWP policy is to ‘downgrade’ role of telephony in the transition to digital under universal credit, extra assistance will be available for 'those who need it'

16 November, 2016

Government is a ‘necessary, but not sufficient provider of welfare’

Work and Pensions Secretary says that government must not assume that it can provide all the help necessary