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Welfare rights

15 May, 2017

DWP confirms one of its 'key performance measures' is to uphold 80 per cent of decisions under mandatory reconsideration

Response to Freedom of Information request reveals that the DWP exceeded its target in 2016/2017, upholding 87.5 per cent of decisions

15 May, 2017

Universal credit housing costs and the disregard of rent reductions under tenant incentive schemes

New DWP guidance

15 May, 2017

Further roll-out of the universal credit full service from May 2017

New DWP guidance

15 May, 2017

Obtaining further medical evidence for assessing limited capability for work

New DWP guidance

15 May, 2017

IIAC decides not to prescribe rheumatoid arthritis caused by cadmium

Council review concludes there is insufficient evidence to recommend prescription under the Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Scheme

15 May, 2017

IIAC decides not to add motorcycle handlebars to the list of tools causing occupational hand-arm vibration syndrome

Review concludes that there is insufficient evidence to define a level of exposure that doubles the risk of finger blanching

5 May, 2017

Industrial Injuries Advisory Council decides not to prescribe work involving exposure to trichloroethylene

Council review concludes there is insufficient evidence to recommend prescription under the Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Scheme

4 May, 2017

Number of households affected by benefit cap has increased by 230 per cent to 66,000

New DWP statistics also highlight that 72 per cent of capped households are single parent families, of which 79 per cent have at least one child under five years

2 May, 2017

Benefit cap is a 'drastic cut' for people who are unable to cut their living costs any further

It's very hard to see any benefit from the policy, says Work and Pensions Committee

2 May, 2017

DWP issues new guidance in relation to the Upper Tribunal’s bedroom tax decision in ‘Carmichael’

DWP confirms that it is seeking to appeal the decision and the Upper Tribunal has suspended the effect of the decision so it currently has 'no effect in law'

28 April, 2017

Future planned cuts to benefits will significantly reduce incomes of low-income working-age households, especially those with children

New analysis from the IFS says lowest three deciles will lose more than 4 per cent of income on average

28 April, 2017

Citizen’s income is a ‘distraction’ from finding workable solutions to welfare state problems

New report from the Work and Pensions Committee urges incoming government 'not to expend any energy on it'

27 April, 2017

Solving problems in the practical operation of universal credit must be an 'urgent priority' in the new Parliament, say MPs

Work and Pensions Committee writes to Secretary of State following a 'near unanimous set of concerns' raised during its inquiry into the benefit

27 April, 2017

Failures in universal credit administration are causing financial hardship for many Scottish claimants

New study by CPAG in Scotland recommends better training for Jobcentre staff and top-ups to universal credit by the Scottish Government to help support claimants at risk from full service roll out

27 April, 2017

Scottish Social Security Minister rules out use of private companies to carry out benefit assessments

New social security agency will 'put people before profits'

27 April, 2017

Approved training in Northern Ireland for the purposes of child benefit

New statutory instrument

26 April, 2017

Miscellaneous amendments following removal of ESA work-related activity component and universal credit limited capability for work element

New statutory instrument includes amendment that reinstates the higher over-25 rate of ESA for those under 25 who have completed a work capability assessment

26 April, 2017

Further roll-out of the universal credit full service

New statutory instrument provides for the expansion of the service between 3 May and 28 June 2017

26 April, 2017

Government's plans to shut Jobcentre Plus offices across Scotland are the result of 'incoherent planning'

Select Committee says effect on users, staff and the wider community must be fully understood before any closure is initiated