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Welfare rights

20 April, 2018

DWP developing two new data matching rules to help local authorities identify incorrect housing benefit claims

New guidance issued to local authority housing benefit departments

19 April, 2018

Government sets out timetable for review of PIP claims affected by High Court judgment

DWP advice also says that PIP decisions made before finalised guidance is issued will not apply the correct interpretation of the law as set out in the MH Upper Tribunal judgment

19 April, 2018

Claimants with a disability will have the right to access advocacy support under the Social Security (Scotland) Bill

Proposed amendment by the Scottish Government extends the previous commitment that any claimant will be able to have a supporter with them

19 April, 2018

Around 25 per cent of ESA appeals had a presenting officer in attendance between April and December 2017

Written answer in the House of Commons shows that this is up from 2 per cent the previous year

19 April, 2018

Scottish Government says it does not support an increase in the six-month eligibility period for benefit claims based on terminal illness

However, Social Security Minister proposes four new ‘special rules’, including eligibility before the date of claim, and automatic entitlement to the higher mobility component of disability benefits

19 April, 2018

DWP should allow PIP to be used to lease or buy assistive technology in the same way as it can be used to lease a car

Select Committee says that capitalising on the possibilities of assistive technology could 'hold the key to closing the disability employment gap'

18 April, 2018

Government does not consider that greater use of split payments of universal credit can help victims of domestic abuse

Response to Work and Pensions Committee also says that the implication that universal credit single payments exacerbate the issue of domestic abuse is ‘completely without foundation’

17 April, 2018

Two child policy may give claimants 'an opportunity to talk about something that they might never have had before'

Secretary of State adds that work coaches will hold claimants' hands and support them if they are 'not au fait with the IT system'

17 April, 2018

More single parents are at risk of sanctions under universal credit, including those with very young children and those in work

New report from Gingerbread highlights that the promise of 'personalised support' has failed to materialise

17 April, 2018

More than a quarter of the 2 million universal credit claims made since April 2013 failed to result in a 'start' on the benefit

New DWP statistics also show that 820,000 claimants were on universal credit in March 2018

17 April, 2018

Miscellaneous amendments to universal credit in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule legislates for changes announced in the 2017 Autumn Budget and other changes governing the operation of universal credit in Northern Ireland

12 April, 2018

Work and Pensions Committee launches inquiry into benefit sanctions

Committee will investigate how sanctions operate, recent developments, and what evidence there is that they work

12 April, 2018

Minimum Income Floor in universal credit is unfair and risks causing financial hardship to self-employed workers, says Citizens Advice

New report calls on government to review both the lower work allowances and the MIF to give workers better financial security

12 April, 2018

Deciding where a child normally lives for the purposes of universal credit

New DWP guidance issued following recent Upper Tribunal decision

12 April, 2018

Introduction of the Verify Earnings and Pensions Alerts service for detecting fraud and error in the housing benefit system

New DWP guidance

11 April, 2018

Tribunals Service introduces new ‘Track Your Appeal’ service for PIP appeals

Appellants who have lodged an appeal since 1 March 2018 can sign up for SMS or email alerts

11 April, 2018

Scotland's plans to abolish bedroom tax at source in universal credit delayed until May 2020 at earliest

Minister for Social Security expresses concern that the DWP is not displaying either the 'willingness or urgency' needed to deliver the programme of work

9 April, 2018

Jobcentre Plus Support for Schools programme should target resources on those at risk of becoming NEET

Evaluation of the national roll-out of the programme finds it should maintain its flexible approach but create more effective means of sharing best practice

6 April, 2018

More than 8,000 claimants in Northern Ireland estimated to have been underpaid benefit as a result of ESA error

Department for Communities says that it aims to complete a review of all affected cases by April 2019