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Welfare rights

22 November, 2023

Increases in the transitional severe disability premium element in universal credit for those who were entitled to other disability premiums prior to migrating

New statutory instrument made in response to High Court judgment in January 2022 which found that failure to compensate claimants for loss of additional disability premiums was unlawful

22 November, 2023

Ensuring that a Category D retirement pension can continue to be claimed by people residing in an EEA state or Switzerland

New statutory instrument

21 November, 2023

MoJ evaluation finds that enabling access to early legal advice not only helps people solve their problems quickly but can also improve finances and health

However, while welcoming the recognition that providing support is a cost-effective investment, Law Society calls for a sustainably funded legal system rather than 'expecting advice-providers to live hand-to-mouth on precarious government grants'

21 November, 2023

Parliamentary Ombudsman provides update on delays to its final report on DWP’s communication of changes to women’s state pension age

Following a 'complex' investigation, provisional views on remedies for maladministration have been sent to complainants and the DWP, with their responses to be considered before final decisions are made

20 November, 2023

DWP faces legal challenge to the freeze of LHA rates that has remained in place since April 2020

Leigh Day issues pre-action letter on behalf of a disabled man and his disabled son who could only find suitable accommodation that was more than £170 per month above LHA rates

20 November, 2023

DWP confirms it is testing a Health Impact Record as a structured way of gathering evidence of fluctuating conditions prior to WCAs or PIP assessments

Providing an update on a range of initiatives outlined in the Health and Disability White Paper, Minister also confirms that Department is trialling an Enhanced Support Service for those who find it hardest to use the benefits system

20 November, 2023

DWP says its Service Modernisation Programme will ‘positively transform the customer experience’ through ‘more intuitive’ data-driven systems, automation and self-service’

Programme will be a six-year 'journey' that will also aim to create the conditions for staff to thrive and do their jobs effectively

20 November, 2023

Amendment of social fund maternity grant provisions in Northern Ireland to reflect changes to the law applying to surrogacy arrangements

New statutory rule

17 November, 2023

HMCTS identifies high proportion of lapsed appeals and overall clearance times as potential barriers to access to justice in social security and child support appeals

New report also highlights disparity in appeal clearance times by region and by protected characteristics, including ethnicity where appellant's main language is not English or Welsh

17 November, 2023

DWP outlines its plans for new WorkWell pilots to support those with a disability or health condition start, stay or succeed in work

Letter to Integrated Care System leaders invites bids for £64 million of grant funding to test new services over two years in around 15 pilot areas

17 November, 2023

IIAC issues recommendations for revised prescription for pneumoconiosis

Recommendations for updated prescription include removal of automatic award on diagnosis irrespective of the actual disability

17 November, 2023

Consequential amendments to UK social security legislation in relation to the introduction of carer support payment in Scotland

New statutory instrument makes changes to ensure that the new payment is treated in the same way as carer’s allowance

17 November, 2023

Miscellaneous amendments to disability assistance provisions in Scotland

New statutory instrument

16 November, 2023

Government announces new ‘Back to Work Plan’ to provide employment-focused support to more than a million people alongside tougher sanctions for people who don’t look for work

Forming part of next week's Autumn Statement, five-year plan will 'reform the ways that people with disabilities or health conditions interact with the state' and 'support more people on unemployment benefits who are able to work, to get back into work'

16 November, 2023

Government outlines plan to close the benefit claims of those who refuse to ‘engage with the jobcentre’

Work and Pensions Secretary says 'if you are fit, if you refuse to work, if you are taking taxpayers for a ride, we will take your benefits away'

16 November, 2023

DWP sets out measures it has in place to support vulnerable claimants, and how it is working to build on the help it currently provides

While reiterating that it has neither a statutory or common law duty of care to claimants, Department tells Work and Pensions Committee that it takes its responsibilities seriously

16 November, 2023

Miscellaneous amendments to social security legislation in relation to the introduction of carer support payment in Scotland

New statutory instrument

15 November, 2023

Chancellor urged to stick to uprating working-age benefits by September CPI rather than adopt October 2023’s lower figure

Charities and policy organisations respond to reports that Treasury is considering saving £2 billion by uprating in line with last month's figure of 4.7 per cent rather than September's 6.7 per cent

15 November, 2023

Almost nine in ten claimants report that their experience with Social Security Scotland is ‘good’ or ‘very good’

However, around one in six claimants say they faced some sort of barrier in claiming, with long wait times for the phone helpline being the most frequent problem