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Welfare rights

15 July, 2020 Open access

‘Incredibly difficult’ to find a solution to help those who lost entitlement to tax credits as a result of applying for universal credit, Minister tells MPs

Will Quince says there is 'no route back' and, while options have been explored, the Department 'has not found one that is workable'

14 July, 2020 Open access

DWP confirms that it is testing 30 minute telephone appointments for claimant commitment interviews

However, Employment Minister also advises that Department is 'rapidly making provisions to return to face-to-face appointments with work coaches'

14 July, 2020 Open access

Ending of short-term COVID-19-related benefit increases will result in £1,000 annual losses for almost 7 million people

Office for Budget Responsibility also highlights that the number of people on universal credit is now higher than its previous forecast had assumed for any point in the next five years

10 July, 2020

DWP needs to better understand and address the needs of vulnerable people who struggle under the universal credit regime, says NAO

New report finds that delays in payments often due to people having difficulty with the claims process, and that 80 per cent of disabled claimants and people on low incomes had their benefit reduced by repayment of advance or other debt

10 July, 2020

DWP replaces complaints handling service with new triage system

New centralised team will better enable complaints that are the most serious or from vulnerable claimants to be prioritised

10 July, 2020

DWP to roll out system under which social landlords receive universal credit housing costs at same time tenants receive their benefit payments

New system should greatly improve landlords' ability to manage payments and reconcile universal credit housing costs, says Neil Couling

10 July, 2020

Data sharing exercise in Scotland identifies potential housing benefit overpayments of almost £3 million

New National Fraud Initiative report from Audit Scotland presents the results of an exercise carried out across more than 120 public bodies in Scotland

9 July, 2020

Government announces that current contracts for PIP and work capability assessments are to be extended for up to two years

DWP Minister says that the Department has had to review its commercial approach to the creation of a single, integrated health assessment service as a result of COVID-19

9 July, 2020

Successful delivery of the DWP’s Health Transformation Programme ‘appears to be unachievable’

Programme to integrate the services that deliver personal independence payment and work capability assessments given a red 'Delivery Confidence Assessment' rating by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority

9 July, 2020

Calculation of the earnings threshold for the purpose of the benefit cap grace period in universal credit

New DWP guidance

9 July, 2020 Open access

Habitual residence test should be suspended in light of the mass redundancies and severe economic hardship resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic

Failing to act will exacerbate the human cost of the crisis, and is at odds with the chancellor's commitment to do 'whatever it takes' in the wake of the pandemic, says IPPR

9 July, 2020

Disregarding charitable and extra-statutory payments for the purposes of assessing entitlement to means-tested benefits

New DWP guidance

9 July, 2020

Miscellaneous amendments to funeral payments and cold weather payments

New DWP guidance

8 July, 2020

Government announces £1 billion investment in the DWP to ‘support millions of people back to work’

Chancellor sets out new measures in a 'Plan for Jobs', designed to help secure the UK's economic recovery from coronavirus

7 July, 2020 Open access

Government confirms plan to double the number of work coaches in jobcentres by March 2021

Work and Pensions Secretary says central pillar of 'plan for recovery and revival' will see the 'ramping up' of jobcentre capability

7 July, 2020 Open access

Government says that some employers are reporting earnings incorrectly as a result of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

DWP is working closely with HMRC on the issue who have re-enforced guidance and are contacting employers on cases identified, reports Work and Pensions Minister

7 July, 2020

Further regulations issued to give effect to reciprocal arrangements between Great Britain and Northern Ireland in relation to universal credit

New statutory rule in Northern Ireland

7 July, 2020

Expenditure on budgeting loans fell by £66 million last year, according to the Social Fund Account for 2019/2020

Decline in expenditure follows reduction in applications as a result of increasing numbers of people on universal credit who are not eligible for budgeting loans

6 July, 2020 Open access

DWP to recommence recovery of benefit related overpayments and social fund loans

People will be notified by letter or universal credit journal entries, though can request a deferral if they are experiencing 'real financial hardship'